I rather starve..

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As Stanley walked into the cafeteria, an aroma of expired mayo and cottage cheese filled his nose. Eeeew... That smell makes me sick, but I still have to eat something.. Stanley thought as he covered his nose with his sweater.  Where is that breakfast menu? Im starving!!

Today we are having lunchfast! Meatloaf super surprise meat!! Stanley read. Sadly that was the only food on the menu. As for drinks he wanted orange juice.

When Stanley moved up on the line, he noticed that all the food and drinks was free. Free food and drinks mean BAD FOOD AND NASTY DRINKS.

But at that point it was already Stanley's turn to get the "lunchfast." He lifted his tray high so the lunch lady (or lunch man. I couldn't tell.) can put the food on it. As the meatloaf surprise went onto my tray, I noticed that the cooks in the back had gas masks.... Stanley couldn't see much since the lunch lady (or man) shooed him away like a bird.

The meatloaf was very surprising. And a little bit scary too. When Stanley took a bite, he started to gag.

Ugh!!! It's wet and squishy! And the orange juice is just water with food coloring!!! Who are these punks trying to fool??? This place is a total dump... At least they didnt charge me..But I want to go home!

Stanley thought. He wanted to walk out the after school and never turn back. But.... he couldn't even try.

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