Spanish Class

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I was in Spanish class waiting for the teacher to come in. It was a new year which only means one thing....a new teacher. Last year the Spanish teacher, Mr Rodreguiez, was a really old man with a clean shaven face and chocolate brown eyes. They said that he was being replaced as he was transferred to a new school, a more disadvantaged one. "I hope that this teacher is smokin' hot this time. I really need something to look forward to when I get to school" my friend Matt said with a smile. We all laughed there was about six of us huddled into a group around my desk, just talking until the teacher walked into the classroom. "Buenos días ¿cómo estás hoy?" an angelic voice came from the front of the room. Everyone scattered to their seats and she nodded in satisfaction.

"You have probabably been told, but I am Senor Rodreguiz's replacement. You can call me Senorita Gomez" she introduced herself as you walked over to the board and wrote her name in cursive on it. "Nice penmenship" I called out, as the class bursted out into laughter. "Silencio!" she barked as she turned around and glared me straight into the eyes. The class had quietened as she walked back over to her desk "There will to be no more calling out in this class, and/or contribute to encouraging it...." she said sternly then she looked directly at me. "And whoever does, will be eligable to face the consequenes. Comprender?" she continued and everyone nodded. Walking back over to the board she picked up a piece of chalk and walked back over to the board. 

"Punishment, everyone has to write out all of the Spanish speaking countries/cities, when your done you can go" she demanded as she turned back over to the board and started right an agenda up on the board. I sighed. I had no idea of any Spanish-speaking countries or cities. I wish I had paid attention in Spanish the last couple of years. I sighed heavily. The only thing that kept my attention at this moment was Senorita Gomez's skirt which ended halfway up her thighs. Everytime she would turn around her white dress shirt revealed a little bit too much clevage for a teacher, but I didn't mind. I could just see the top of her fully plump breasts, I smirked. "What?" Matt asked curiously looking between me and Senorita Gomez.

I shook my head "Nothing" I replied as my grin became even wider. "Don't fucking lie to me bro" he continued. "Its just.....the teacher is just so damn fine" I replied licking my lips as she walked back over to her desk, her heels clicking as she walked back over to her desk and sat down. He laughed at my compliment. Every kid at this school know that I was a lesbian. Most of the kids at this school are experiemnting with their sexualities anyways. I'm known as the player of this school, I'm with a different girl nearly every week, and I hang out with all the jocks. They love me that much that they've put me on their basketball team. My inner thoughts were rudely interrupted as the bell reverbutated all the way through the school. "If you have finished you may go, if you haven't stay back, and finish it" she shouted as the whole class had evacuated.

We waited for a while but as I glanced around the empty room I realised I was the only one left. "Miss Brooks, the teachers talk about you" she said trying to start conversation. I smirked and started playing with my pen. "All good I hope" I replied as I winked back at her. She placed her arm on the desk and leaned on her hand "They say your trouble..." she tralied of, but I knew what she was going to say. "Don't let my reputation get in the way of anything" I told her. "Reputation?" she asked curiously. I stood up, picked up my paper and walked over to her, leaning close to her ear, so that she could feel my lips brush it. "Yes. Reputation" I whispered as I placed the empty piece of paper down on her desk and walked out. 

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