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That day I felt invincible, I felt like I could fly across the sky. I drove home that day with a silly smile across my face. Opening the door I greeted my dad and mom with a kiss. "What's gotten into you?" dad asked. I shrugged "Nothing" I replied with a smile. "Well, whatever it is, you have to forget about it, remember you have to go to hospital today" she reminded me. I totally forgot. I had work experience at the children's hospital today. I said goodbye and drove to the hospital. I was greeted by Dr. Mason who gestured me to the baby nursery. "The kids are really glad you came Chase" he said with a smile. "Just this way" he continued. "Thank you" I replied as I walked in to see all the children's faced light up. 

"CHASE!" Ben screamed with excited. He was a four year old, under going chemotherapy. He was the cutest thing with brown eyes and tanned skin. "BEN!" I replied with a smile. I picked him up and hugged him. "So, how's the chemo going?" I asked him. His little eyes lit up "My hair is coming back" he replied with a smile. I gave him another hug. "Chase?" a voice asked. I turned around to see Selena standing there. "What are you doing here? What are you doing with my son?" she asked again. I gave her a puzzled look "Your son? My patient, I do volunteer work and work experience here" I informed her. He face lightened a little.

"Well, at least I know that your not following me" she replied sitting down next to him. "Momma, how you know Chase?" Ben asked curiously. "Your momma is my teacher" I replied to him. Ben laughed. "Well, if your well enough, maybe you can get your mothers permission to come out for a day of fun with me?" I asked him. Looking over at Selena I saw hesitation in her eyes. "I don't think…." she got interrupted. "Please, mommy, I never get too" he pleaded to his mother with big brown eyes. He resembled her so much. The big chocolate brown eyes, the bubbly personality, and of course the smile. "Oh okay" she replied. "But I have to go" she demanded getting up and grabbing a bag.

I pointed at it curiously. "It's full of things for Ben, you know" she continued. "Come on, Benny boy! Let's go!" I said picking him and walking side by side next to Selena to the car. "Do you wan to sit in the King's throne?" I asked him referring to the car seat that I had in my boot for these kind of occasions. He nodded positively. I put him down and his mother took his hand. I grabbed the seat from the boot and fastened it to the back seat of my car and put him in it. "Let's go have fun, Benny boy" I replied kissing his head. Selena was already in the passenger seat. "We could have used my car" she suggested pointing to a green car the was only a few metres away. I shrugged turning on the radio. 

"Where are we going?" Ben asked curiously. "Well, you have to be sick of that hospital food, do you want to go somewhere to eat?" I asked him, he nodded. "MCDONALD'S" be cheered. I laughed "McDonald's it is" I replied turning out of the car park of the hospital. "You know you don't have to do that" Selena said politely placing a hand on my thigh, as shiver ran up my spine at her touch. "Don't worry about it! It's my treat to him" I replied pulling into a McDonald's. The one that I met Selena crying. 

Grabbing our food we sat at a corner in the back with a table. "Can I go play in the playground, til my food cools down?" Ben asked. Selena nodded "Don't hurt yourself" she called after him. I looked back up at her. "Thank you for doing this" she thank I nodded. "You don't know this but I've been friend with Ben for nearly a year now, I just can't believe that I didn't meet you" I continued. "He always spoke about you but I never really made the connection" she replied eating some fries slowly. I nodded understandingly. 

"Well, he's a good kid, resembles you a lot, he's gonna be a lady killer when he's older" I told her sipping my drink. "Yeah, thank god he isn't like his father" she continued. I looked at her confusingly. "Why is that?" I asked her. "Well, I had Ben when I was 16 years old. He never was around to help, it was just me and my parents" she opened up. "WOW! You were so young" I replied to her. She nodded. "It was hard, but we got through it". "Ben, was living at the hospital all the time so it was hard to travel back and forth from home" she admitted. I nodded to tell you the truth I didn't really know what to say to that. 

"Sounds like you need a break" I told her. She looked up at me "Yeah" she replied unconvincingly. "Your a hard one to figure out, Chase" she told me. "What do you mean?" I asked sipping my coke. "One minute you have this player characteristic about you the next your so caring and intimate….its just hard to figure out the real you" she continued. I nodded "Intimate? Haha that's not in my vocabulary" I replied. "And here comes the 'player' characteristic again" she sighed.

She seemed pissed off "What?" I asked as she stood up and walked over to grab Ben. "Nothing" she replied going into the playground area, picking up Ben and walking out of the McDonald's. "If I've done anything to offend you, I'm sorry" I apologised. "Ben baby, go wait in the car" Selena told Ben letting him go. I watched as he ran to the car and sat in the car seat. "Offend me?" she asked. "Chase, when I met you, I never thought of you as anything but another stuck up player that I had to teach. Then that scene at McDonald's the other day I really thought I had judged you too soon" she semi yelled aware of our surroundings.

I stood there speechless "What about that scene in the classroom this morning?" I asked her. She shrugged "At first I thought I could resist, a teacher and a student shouldn't have a shared personal life. But then I remembered that scene I couldn't help it" she continued. "Then 5 minutes ago you proved me wrong again" she continued. "I think you should take us home now" she said now in a calm voice, walking towards the car. I knew I had fucked up big time. The ride home was silent. I made a quick glance over at her before pulling into the car park. "Bye Bye Chase" Ben said as he jumped up and jugged me from the backseat, and ran into the hospital. 

Selena unbuckled her seatbelt and was about to get out but I stopped her. My hand pulled her arm towards me. I kissed her lips softly "I don't want you to leave angry" I replied to her. "I can make this work". She stared at me for a while before a smile crossed her face. "I wish you could, but we both know that that's one hell of a lie" she replied hoping out of the car and waving goodbye. I just smiled back and drove away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2012 ⏰

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