Kiss and Tell

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I drove silently to school on Monday waiting to know what was going to happen in Spanish class. Walking down the hallway I could spot Stacey waiting at my locker "Baby, Matt told me that you left the party, why?" she asked curiously. "Never mind that, I need to talk to you" I told her. As soon as that was said the bell went "Tell me in Spanish class" she said blowing me a kiss as she walked into a door to our classroom. I sighed heavily flipping my hair and grabbing my books. How was I going to tell Stacey that I was going to break up with her. TEXT.

I got out my phone and texted her "I love you. It's not you its me, but it's over xx :)". A smiley face always makes it seem better. Walking into Spanish class I saw Stacey at the back crying and she walked up to me with a angry expression on her face "No one breaks up with me! Especially over a text message!" she screamed storming out of the room. Everyone cheered, I put my hand up to gesture that I was number one. "Alright, calm down class, Miss Brooks, take your seat please" she demanded as I sat down and saw Matt eyeing me off. "What the fuck bro, you know I don't swing that way" I whispered. 

"You know very well, WHY, I'm eyeing you off" he replied looking between me and Miss Gomez. "Shut your mouth, I swear I will beat it into your face" I warned. He giggled "Calm down, I"m your best friend why would I tell" he continued looking back up to the front of the class. "Today, we will be learning about the culture of Spain, and why significance it" she started. After that I zoned out. All I could concentrate on were her lips. They were so plump, and tasted like candy. Today they were highlighted with red. The time went by slowly as I sat there exploring her body with my eyes. "Yo Chase" Matt whispered in my ear.

"What?" I asked him. "Close your mouth" he replied with a giggle I threw a piece my pencil at him. "Miss Brooks, you can stay behind for 15 minutes" Senorita Gomez said sternly as she caught the pencil that i had thrown at Matt. "Fuck!" I cursed. "What did you say?" she asked. "I said, Ay Detention" I replied not convincingly. She shrugged it off and walked back to the front of the class. "Haha Chase, your in" Matt continued as he gestured sexual positions to me. I flipped him the bird. "Miss Brooks do you want to make that 20 minutes?" she asked curiously. I shook my head. "Stop tormenting Matt" she replied looking back down at her book.

My mouth hung in astonishment. A 15 minute detention and a 5 minute warning. Did she not she the things that Matt was saying or doing. The bell ran violently as it vibrated through the school. "Have a nice day" she said sweetly to all the students. "Chase, your detention starts now" she continued as I sat there in silence. The room was empty and I watched as Selena played with her hair as she read her book. "CHASE YOU MISERABLE JERK!" I head a voice scream at the front of the class but this time it wasn't the teacher, it was Stacey,

"What?" I asked annoyed standing up. She walked up to me, our faces only inches apart. "No one breaks up with me over a text. No one." she whispered into my face. I felt her fingers tracing a circle on the upper part of my hand, but I shook her off and stood back "Well, I already did" I replied. I glanced over at Selena who was just watching the scene play out. "Miss, aren't you gonna tell her to piss off?" I asked. She nodded "Stacey, can you leave and continue outside when Chase isn't on detention" Selena demanded as Stacey stormed out. "WHATEVER". 

I looked at her and she stared back at me "And another one bites the dust" she said trying to be subtle. 

I raised an eyebrow "What?" I asked her. "Nothing"  she replied with a smile. She walked over to the chalkboard and began writing up questions on the whiteboard. I followed her only inches behind her and I quickly pecked the bare skin on her neck that was showing. She gasped as she turned around "Chase, what are you doing?" she asked shocked as I put an arm up agains the chalkboard. I smirked "Didn't you hear me Senorita. This could be fun, stop hesitating" I replied slowly but courageously leaning towards her lips and pecking them. They were so soft. "But I'm your teacher" she said motionless, breathing heavily. "Thats the thrill of it" I replied.

I pecked her back on her lips and she reacted the same way. She began to act loosely as she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepening the kiss. My mind went wild, and out of control. The flick of her tongue intrigued me and made me out of control as I brought my hands around her waist. The bell brought us back to life as we broke off the kiss breathlessly. "Well, I better get going" I told her, she nodded motionless, as I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom. 

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