leaving :( part 1

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you woke up and looked at the date. june 17th. it was the last day you would be with your boyfriend, carlos before he went off on tour for months.

your phone ringed and it was carlos.

baby 💞: goodmorning baby ❤

crazy butt😼🖤: goodmorning <3

baby 💞: since today is the first day of tour i cant spend the whole day w u so can we have dinner at nite ?

crazy butt😼🖤: of course baby 💘

you got off your phone and went to the mall to spend the day.


it was an hour after the meet n greet ended and you were waiting for carlos to get back.

you changed into a black dress with a pink jacket and you got blue nails done.

you saw him pulling up in your driveway and got up and went to the passenger seat.

C: hey baby. you look beautiful

Y/n: aww baby

C: it's true!

you blushed and held his hand.

you guys went to olive garden. you guys ordered, talked and ate your food.

Y/n: why do you have to leave me?

C: aw, baby, i'll be back soon

Y/n: not soon enough! let me take a picture of you

C: okayyy


Liked by blesiv and 13,649 othersy/nofficial he's leaving me :,(

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Liked by blesiv and 13,649 others
y/nofficial he's leaving me :,(

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y/nandcarlos aw my ship <3

*shipname*wrld nooo, my *shipname* heart 😔💗

carlosmena i'll be back my love ❤

you guys paid for your food and left.

C: let's go get ice cream

Y/n: sure

you guys go to an ice cream parlor nearby while holding hands.

C: um, while we're on our way there, can i talk to you about something?

Y/n: yeah...?

C: i can't stand a second away from you y/n! i love you with my entire heart! and i don't want anyone to take you from me. but since i'm going on tour...

Y/n: what, my love?

C: ...we can't stay together

it felt like you got kicked in the chest and all your air was out. you couldn't breathe and your eyes filled with water. you were speechless.

you noticed carlos looked like he wanted to cry too.

C: i h-hope you understand...

Y/n: carlos... i love you too. i don't want it to end this way...

C: i'm sorry... can i at least take you home?

Y/n: yeah, i guess

they got in his car but looked at the window the whole time and had your knees pointed towards it.

you didn't talk for the whole ride.

C: baby, i'm sorr-

Y/n: please don't call me baby

carlos was shocked, but he understood.

C: i'm sorry

Y/n: it's fine. i don't care

C: i know you do. i know you, y/n. you can't hide your feelings from me

Y/n: i'm not hiding anything, i just don't care

C: yes you do

Y/n: no i don't

C: yes, you d-

Y/n: shut up, ok?

he tried to hold your hand but you took it away. he sighed and you saw a tear fall. you felt bad, but he brought this upon himself.

you saw your house nearby and breathed a sigh of relief.

carlos was in the driveway and you stayed silent.

C: bye, stay safe, love you

you paused when he said " love you " but you kept walking.

C: y/n, you can't just shut me out y'know

Y/n: i can if i tried

he got out of his car and grabbed your arm. you tried to pull but he had a strong grip.

Y/n: carlos! let go of me!

C: just... listen. i love you.

Y/n: yeah, a lot of people have told me that but did they mean it? i don't think so!

C: hey! but i do! i mean it. i love you. but i'm leaving. i can't handle long distance relationships, i have to see the person every single day. especially you. you don't know how much i love you, but this is better for us. i come back in july, it's fine. but please, please don't get with anyone else. i won't either. promise?

Y/n: ...promise

                    *1 month later*

you were out shopping with your friends when you got a notification on your phone.

" carlosmena has just posted "

you decided to see it but immediately regretted it.

it was him. with a girl on his arm. they were kissing.

you were speechless.

*Dess = D,  Vereena = V*

D: what happen- oh my gosh

V: don't tell me that's carlos

Y/n: it... is

D: i'm gonna kick his ass

V: he promised he wouldn't date anyone! asshole!

Y/n: can we, uh... go to my house guys?

D,V: of course!

you guys went to your house and you called alex.

Y/n: i'm gonna call alex, he must know

A: hello?

Y/n: alex? hey it's me, y/n

A: hey y/n! what's up?

Y/n: um, i saw what carlos posted...

A: oh yeah, sorry

Y/n: who is that?

A: some girl he met, i don't really know, he won't tell me

Y/n: uh, okay, bye alex

A: bye y/n

you got off the phone with alex and told vereena amd dess what he told you.

D: aren't they bestfriends?

Y/n: yeah, i thought that too but i don't know

V: aw, it's okay babe

Y/n: can we talk tomorrow? i'm kinda tired

D,V: okay, bye!

Y/n: bye...

to be continued

hopefully you guys like the first part! i'll be posting the second one soon, so stay tuned loves ! <3

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