leaving :( part 2

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Y/n : can we talk tomorrow ? i'm kinda tired

D , V : okay , bye !

Y/n : bye...

you went to your room and laid down on your bed .

you started looking through your phone at old pictures of you and carlos . you felt a tear fall on your cheek .

you looked through his instagram and saw more old pictures of you two, then started looking at your messages .

you started wondering if you would call him , confront him .

you pressed call .

it was ringing .

it rung 3 times before he finally answered .

C : uh , hello ?

Y/n : i thought i could trust you carlos .

C : baby-

Y/n : don't " baby " me, carlos . i thought you were different ! i thought i loved you ! guess i was wrong ...

C : baby , i can explain !

Y/n : explain ? how could you explain ? i saw it . you were kissing and hugging a girl . we're OVER , carlos . don't talk to me ever again !

C : bab-

you hung up on him , and you tried to go to sleep .

in the morning , you had 13 missed calls and 7 messages from carlos .

C : baby !

C : baby !!

C : i can explain EVERYTHING

C : baby 😓

C : pls pls pls answer meee

C : i couldn't stand being away from u so i temporally got with someone else but i don't love them like i love u ! i  broke up with them after i got ur call💍❤

C : baby pls , pls forgive me 😔 i'm sorry for everything , but pls , ily and only u

you decided to call him back

Y/n : is that true

C : yes , yes !! everything i said is true !!

Y/n : but you promised , carlos . you promised 😔

C : baby , please , i'm so so SO sorry . i didn't mean to hurt you , i was just acting dumb and stupid . you deserve the world and i love you and ONLY you . please my love !

Y/n : fine . i'll forgive you . but we are gonna be friends until i know and understand you won't do this to me again , when i can trust you again .

C : okay ...

                 * a few weeks later *

it was the night that carlos was coming back with alex , jabez , sam , and devyn so you would see all your friends again .

you saw the tour bus was nearing so you got up .

the bus kept going and stopped right infront of you and all your bestfriends came out of it .

A = alex , S = sam , D = devyn , J = jabez

A : Y/n ! i missed you so much !

D , S : we missed you so much , omg !

J : it seems like forever since i saw you !

they all started talking and hugging you , but you noticed carlos hadn't gotten off the bus .

Y/n : alex , where's carlos ?

A : oh , he said he already wanted to go home so the bus dropped him off .

A : sorry :/

Y/n : it's okay ...

S : i swear he's SO dumb . he doesn't know what he's missing !

you smiled at sam and hugged her .

A : alright , let's go get chick fil a i'm hungry !

you laughed at alex and you stepped into the tour bus with them and got chick fil a .

you took a video of the food , your friends and the tour bus and posted it on your story with the caption " my friends are back 😎 "

a few minutes later you saw that carlos replied to your story .

carlosmena : ur w/ them ?

y/nofficial : yea

carlosmena : i shouldve stayed :/

y/nofficial : cool . my friends , who actually care abt me , r calling me right now so bye ✌

carlosmena : bye baby , ily ❤
seen at 9 : 31

                      * the next day *

you were scrolling through instagram when you heard a sound at your window . you decided to go see what it was , and it was carlos throwing pebbles at your window , trying to get your attention .

you opened your window .

C : hey , can i talk to you ? down here ?

you rolled your eyes and closed the window . but instead of going back to your bed , you put on your slides and went downstairs to talk to him .

C : i'm sorry . i really am . and i know that it's gonna take some time for you to trust me again but just know that i'm here for you , always . and i love you with all my heart .

Y/n : thank you . i love you too . and i was up all night thinking about it , and maybe i am ready . i see you've tried everything to get my attention and make me forgive you , so i guess . i love you , carlos mena . i always have , and i always will .

he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged you , then kissed you .

C : i love you , y/n

Y/n : i love you , carlos mena

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