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Another few days went by without any Ateez x Block B interaction, which disappointed the Block B no. 1 fanboy, Hongjoong.
-Do you think they hate us? Or maybe we should be the first ones to say hi????? - Hongjoong sat on the sofa, rocking back and forth, giving Seonghwa a headache.
-How about you be quiet for a while? - Mr. Sassy Hwa replied.
Obviously, the leader was overreacting, as he does.
However, few minutes later, Yunho came into the living room, followed by no one other than Park Kyung.
-Guys, look who I met! - He said, looking like a proud puppy.
Kyung waved at the two grandmas on the sofa, which caused Hongjoongs heart to skip a beat. He immediately stood up and bowed so violently he somehow ripped his pants.
-I..... uh...... I need to go. - He ran off into his room.
-Is he okay? Isn't he the leader, actually? - Kyung was super confused. - Anyway, thought I'd come by to say hi. We are gonna have a BBQ, or a party, if you will, to celebrate not blowing the place up for 2 weeks now.- He laughed.
Seonghwa looked rather intrigued.
-It's okay, thanks for letting us know, but we don't mind noise. - He said.
Literally at the same time, Wooyoung could be heard screeching somewhere in the house.
-Oh no, no, I came to invite you, if you have time. We haven't really had a chance to say hi, so feel invited. We are starting at 8pm, so maybe see you there. -He smiled, once again, melting Yunho's heart because everyone is whipped for Park Kyung.

After the invitation, Seonghwa called a meeting to discuss their presence, which left Hongjoong excited to the point where he cancelled all of the groups' plans for this evening and next morning.
-WE. HAVE. TO. GO. - Hongjoong kept repeating.
-Okay, okay, I guess since everyone wants to go... - Seonghwa was truly the mom.

When 8pm rolled around, Hongjoong was stood under their neighbours door, wearing all fancy clothes and got greeted by Jaehyo wearing just some bright orange boxers and a t shirt with a rip on the back. He seemed very unbothered.
The second Mingi spotted Taeil sat at a table, holding a beer, he rushed over to him.
-Hi!!! - He said like an excited little kid. - Haven't seen you in a while.
He sat opposite his sunbae and.... friend?

They may be babies, but they are old enough to drink, which is weird.

This became very chaotic very quick.
Jaehyo did not put any trousers on, which no one really cared about. He was on his 12th shot of soju in a row but he was losing to Yeosang, who had 14 and showed no sign of stopping, whilst Wooyoung shouted at him to stop, since being his roommate meant he is responsible for this little satan and putting him to bed afterwards.
Seonghwa sat cross legged in an armchair, holding a wine glass full of red wine, while listening to Taeils stories about the time a fish hit him in the face, while Mingi sat next to his new, little friend, pretty drunk already.
Hongjoong was also completely immersed in a story, but told by Kyung. They might have been talking about producing? Rapping? Tentacles? God knows, whatever Kyung was saying brought A LOT of happiness to Hongjoong who literally had hearts in his eyes.

It was sneaky of Block B to invite Ateez since it seemed like the only people actually cooking were San and Yunho, but no one seemed to care. Not even when there were actual flames.

The only person who wasn't enjoying himself as much, was Jongho. He was the maknae so obviously he had to be babied, even tho it was Mingi who was trying not to fall asleep sitting up. No one allowed him to drink. Or did they?

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