Chapter 1 - Bondi

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Stephs POV

"Mum, I’m going to the beach!"

I yelled from the bathroom down the hall. I pull my wavy brown hair which reaches the small in my back into a ballerina bun on the crown of my head and skip off into my room. My medium size room is just how I left it with shopping bags of clothes on the floor, my bed that looks untidy with white cotton sheet scrunched against the metal bed end and homework scattered over my desk which is placed inside a blue cupboard with stickynotes taped on the folding doors, the only change being, is that my puppy who is named Charlie is now sleeping wrapped in the pile of sheets at the end my bed. Mum finally answers my earlier call,

"Ok. Is Rose going?"

Mum thinks of Rose as the responsible one and me as the party girl. She has no idea. If you give Rose one alcoholic drink, she’s a different person.

“Yep, we're going to Bondi"

“Okay, don't hook up with too many guys” She yells back in a mocking tone.

She is so childish.

Mum has always been more like my best friend. She was still a teen when she had me. Dad was her boyfriend at the time. They broke up when I was 1 but remained good friends. He sends Mum money to look after me and he is still a big part of my life. I spent last summer with him in Melbourne, where he is an architect. I want to be an architect and interior designer unlike Mum who is a primary school teacher, which would explain her childish personality.

I find a black mesh top and khaki high waisted shorts in the mess of my room. I quickly put them on over my strapless american flag print bikini and grab my towel from the chair at my desk. I skip to the glossy brown and white kitchen, because you can’t be mad when you're skipping, putting my towel in my tribal printed sportsgirl duffle bag on the way. I grab my white iPhone from the charger as Mum and I exchange goodbyes. Running out the front of the house as Rose pulls into the concreted pebble driveway in her blue Mazda 3. I yank on the door handle a few times before she realizes I'm waiting to get into the car. She reaches over and unlockes the car, allowing my to jump into the passenger seat. Rose is 18 years old and fits the saying;

Tall, blonde and beautiful

Rose has crystal blue eyes, and can drive without an adult, whereas I'm 17, brown hair, short and on my L's.

Stand up by One Direction starts to play on the built-in car radio. Rose is smiling smudgly because she knows I love One Direction. Rose and I are going to the concert tonight, only after a month of begging to Mum then another month of saving the money for 2 tickets, 1 for me and 1 for Rose because Mum explained that I could go if Rose went. Go figure.

I pull my phone out my pocket and login to twitter. I'm mentioned in a few different tweets from different school friends telling me they miss me and telling me that I’m now a single high school senior, and how I don't need a man. After checking all of them and tweeting a few back, I decided to check One Direction's accounts, and girlfriends. I check Danielle’s page first.

I scroll down the page to see people hating her for being with Liam. They call her ugly and asking her why she with their "husband".

Some of these fans are messed up.

Liam’s standing up for her and telling them to leave her alone. Then there’s tweets calling her pretty from fans and Liam replying to them saying that thank you and telling them how much it means to him to see that our fans are happy for both of them. I refresh the page to see more hate telling her to stay out of Liam’s life and she has actually ruined his life. Wow these people are so rude! I log out of twitter and into Facebook. There are three new inboxes. One from Rose about going to Bondi beach, no need to reply to that one and two from my ex-boyfriend Olly. He was the captain of the athletics team and a player, but it took me 6 months to see that, so I dumped him and he’s been begging for me back since. More messages on my wall from school friends, wow I’m popular, it's funny how once you leave school everyone wants to talk to you, but at school no one does. I quickly scan my wall not replying to anything and go to Liam Payne's wall. His lastst status was "All good things come to an end. Even when you wish they wouldn't. :-(." and his relationship status is "Single". My jaw literally drops.

Liam and Danielle broke up.

Oh my goodness. They seemed really close. Maybe she found someone else or it wasn’t working out but both seem to be happy.

Looks like those crazy, hate posting fans go their wish. I look over to Rose, who is singing at the top of her lungs.

I lean over and turn the volume dial down on the radio, so that maybe she'll be able to hear me,

Rose! Liam and Danielle broke up, 4 to choose from now.” I sing with a sneaky wink on the end

She rolls her eyes and continues to sing to ‘Never Getting Back Together’ by Taylor Swift. I lean my head on the window, gazing out to the city streets. The song brings back many memories, but mostly, it reminds me of Olly and I.


Still Stephs POV

We pull into a car park near Bondi Beach. We walk for about 5 minutes to Bondi talking about the latest History assignment about World War 1. Bondi's not as busy as usual for a 32°c day, but I know Rose will go for a quick dip first to cool off.

"I'm going to lay down for a bit and read my book"

I say to Rose as I take off my shirt and shorts and lie out my Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse towel. Mickey and Minnie Mouse are my idols. They have been my favourite since I was 3 when dad bought me back Mickey and Minnie mouse stuff from Disneyland on a ‘business’ trip. I lie down on my towel as Rose runs off towards the water. I plug my earphones into my iPhone and put one earphone in my ear so I can still hear things around me. Maroon 5's, One More Night fills my ears as I open up my book and start to get lost in the story I'm reading. I’m getting more and more absorbed in my book until I'm pulled out of the story by someone calling my name.

I sit up to see Olly walking over towards me.

Shit, I don’t want to talk to him. I roll my eyes and lie back down and pick up the book from where I left off. He comes and sits next to me. I put my other earphone in and continue reading, ignoring him. He gets up and walks off because he knows how stubborn I am. He also knows I won’t talk to him. Serves him right after he cheated on me with the school slut.


Liam’s POV

I’m walking on some Australian beach called Bondi Beach with Niall. He keeps asking me if I’m alright because Danielle broke up with me. Danielle and I will still be friends and we both felt the same way. Our relationship was falling apart with the abuse aimed towards her on twitter besides; we acted more like friends then boyfriend and girlfriend anyway. I don't think I'll lose her as my friend, I hope.

I walked further along the beach with Niall acting childish next to me with his feet in the water kicking water around like a 4 year old that’s never been to the beach. I carry my shoes in my hand and stare at the ground; I really don’t want people to recognize us. We walk along the beach quietly beside the sound of water splash from Niall kicking it because we are on vocal rest for our upcoming concert.

Suddenly, a blonde girl runs in front of us. She continues to run deeper into the water then she dives in. I turn to Niall who has him mouth slightly open in amazement and is staring at the girl who is now resurfacing from under the water standing about 5 meters from us. I push Niall into the water and he loses balance and falls into shallow water. He stands up and yells,

“What the hell! Why did you push me into the water?"

I chuckle,

"It's pretty obvious you think she's hot. Go and talk to her?"


AN: My editor finished, she the best. On the side is a picture of Steph and my favourite song at the moment. Ok I want people to comment so I’m starting a game in my author notes starting next chapters.

Vote, comment and keep reading.



Edited By @BE_Editors

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