Chapter 4 - Concerts and flying sparks

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POV Rose

I walk out of Gloria Jeans, leaving the coffee scent behind and trading it for the smell of exotic food and wine mixed with the smell of petrol and the defining sound of car horns and road rage with Steph, Liam and Niall by my side I can't help but feel happy at the prospect of spending tomorrow with them and the rest of One Direction.

"Well, I guess I'll see you boys tomorrow?"

Steph asks wistfully before looking towards the boys as they quickly slip on their sunglasses, attempting to hide their true identity.

"Yeah! Meet her again tomorrow? Shall we say at 10?"

Liam says looking around at the group before resting his eyes on Steph.

Naw, that's a bit cute.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

I say before sneaking a peak at Niall who is smiling at all of us with large grin that is sporting braces.

"Alright then, we better be off before we get into more trouble with the mangagement. See you tomorrow."

Liam says before turning and walking away, opposite direction from the beach towards an underground car park, but not before slightly bumping Steph on the way past.

"Oh my! Sorry!"

Liam says turning around again and apologizing profusely while walking backwards. 

Niall starts giggling at Steph and Liam's blushing, which anyone would admit is adorable.

Steph and I turn away from a blushing Liam and a giggling Niall and begin to walk to the car talking about what to wear for the night out.


"So Steph, what are you going to wear to the concert!" I ask squealing towards the end of the sentence. It's not every day you see your favourite band, and now acquaintance perform on a big stage.

"I was thinking about wearing this?" Steph states as she lays her outfit on the bed before studying it thoroughly. The outfit is a sheer lavender colour sleeveless top with a high collar, a pair of galaxy print leggings with a small fringe bag and platform military boots. (click External Link to see)

"Yeah! That looks really great Steph!" I tell her with a smile.

"Yeah? What if Liam sees me and doesn't like it and what if-"

So that is what these extra nerves are about

"Steph, you know that Liam is going to like you no matter what you wear. If he doesn't, he isn't worth it."

"Aw, thanks Rose!" Steph exclaims with a smile.

"Now that we have that sorted, go and get changed then we can finally leave this place and go see  One Direction on stage!" I yell sending a large wink Steph's way.

She laughs at me before shaking her head and leaving the room, making her way to the main bathroom to get changed and get her hair and make-up done.

I slowly start to open my mirrored wardrobe dress, cracking slightly as it rolls along the railing before staring aimlessly at the fabric hanging up, organised by good clothes to bad clothes, and then by colour. There isn't really a point to it; I just see it as an easy guide. If I'm going to wear dark, navy denim jeans, I can skip the green tops. As the old saying goes;

Blue and Green should not be seen, 

Unless there is something in between.

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