#11 Akaashi in Wonderland pt. 2

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Part 2: Here Comes the Hatter

Akaashi walked alone in the woods. Those idiotic twins got captured by a giant bird. What's worse is that they have zero sense of direction. Great. Now he's lost in an unfamiliar place.

"'Sup?" A floating cat head popped out of nowhere.

"Kuroo-san? What the hell happened to you?" Akaashi said in a monotone voice. "Lev is more suiting for your role."

"Shut up! Don't compare me to that russian blue! I'm better than him so I get to play this role!"

"Are you though?" Akaashi deadpanned.

The duo was startled when a tree suddenly spoke. "They said you look more like a cat that's why they chose you for that role. I'm supposed to be the actor because of my skills."

"A talking tree. Really." Akaashi deadpanned for the second time.

"Shut up, Lev! No one's asking for your opinion!"

"I am truly hurt, Kuroo-san!"

Just then, someone yelled from a distance. "STICK TO THE GODDAMN SCRIPT, YOU MORONS!!!"


* * *

"Wait up. I thought Lev is the Knave of Hearts. What is he doing here?"


Kuroo snorted. "Let's delay his appearance."

"Sounds good."


* * *

After a few minutes of walking, the duo finally saw the end of the forest.

"Damn. It's the end already?" Kuroo complained.

His companion pointed to a narrow path. "Let's take that way and delay it a little more." The cheshire cat nodded in agreement.


* * *

About an hour later, they finally reached an open space with a long table in the middle.

A certain male rested his chin on the back of his hands. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he giggled.

"You look calm right now for someone who keeps on screaming an hour ago."

The male hissed. "Just stick to the goddamn script already and stop sassing around or I'll chop you off to pieces and feed you to my-"

"Bokuto!" It was Komi who yelled.

Bokuto giggled the mad hatter way. "Thank you." he whispered. "Would you like some tea?" he smiled the mad hatter way.

Kuroo and Akaashi have the same thought. 'Damn. He's good.'

"Me! Give me some more tea!" This remark was followed by a horse-like laugh.

"You're not getting any tea!" The small mouse from earlier, Komi, threw a random stone towards the hare's cup, causing the bottom part to break. It was followed by a high pitched laughter.

"My cup..."

"Pardon these crazy lads. That one's Konoha." the hatter pointed to the hare. "And that little one's Komi."

"Shut it, hatter! You're even worse than us! You're a madman!" The duo let out their signature laughs.

Bokuto giggled then took Akaashi's hand. "Come with me." He used the top of the table to go to his chair.

Just how crazy are these guys?

Just then, familiar noises were heard from a distance.

"Uh oh. Drink this, quick!" Bokuto gave Akaashi a drink that made him even smaller. The former picked the latter up then hid him inside a teapot.

A few red knights came into view and stopped at the end of the long table, opposite to where the hatter is seated. The duo shook with fear as they pretended to drink the non-existent tea on their empty cups.

"I guess, it is my time to go." As of the cat, he simply vanished.

"Greetings, crazy lads. Do you happen to encounter a boy named Akaashi?" said a tall male in a knight armor.

"Akaashi? Your non-existent boyfriend?" It was Komi who spoke, followed by crazy laughters.

"I am not gay!"

"Sure sure. I saw the way you look at-"

"Shut it!!"

While they were chatting, a dog came sniffing under the table. Bokuto managed to convince it to keep it a secret and lead the knights elsewhere.

The dog started running in the opposite direction. "Follow it!" Their leader broke the teacup he was drinking from before leaving.

Once the coast was clear, Bokuto took out the male from the teacup. "I guess, it's time to go to the White King. Here. You can ride on my hat."

"I want a ride too!"

"Sorry, Komi. It's Akaashi for now."

Akaashi sat on the hat as Bokuto placed it on his head. "We're off!" The two headed off to the forest.

"Have a dangerous trip!" The duo laughed and broke some teacups.

To be continued...

* * *

Next on Akaashi in Woderland:

"Off with his head!!"

"Your highness, mind your blood pressure."

"Shut up!!"

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