The Beginning Of A Crush

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King pov.

Hi i'm harlequin but you can call me king and this is how i saw him again.

One day I was being transported to lionus prison on a false account of "killing" humans. When i was being transported I saw a little man named melodies.(thinking:I heard that name  before, who Is he?)
I heard him say. "I want you to be a part of the seven deadly sins, Harlequin and if you do you'll be free of the charges." I reasoned  "I need to think about." A couple of weeks past and I accepted the offer and was told I would met the rest of the sins later in the week. I was just told the names not met the actual people yet.

Melodies the leader of the sins and the dragon  sin of wrath

Ban the fox sin of greed

Diane the snake sin of envy

Gowther the goat sin of lust

Escanor the lion sin of pride

Merlin the boar sin of gluttony

And me

King the grizzly sin of sloth

    When I saw Ban, I remember him from a time where he met my little sister Elaine. I had and I still have a crush on Ban, but that will never happen cause he's dating my sister Elaine.
     Ban didn't want to talk to me, ever since the red demon burned down the fairy kings forest and the death of Elaine.

I haven't seen him in 15 years. Ban has always blamed me for the destruction of the forest and elaine's death. I blame myself for leaving to, but i had to find Helbram.

Ban pov.
How i fell for the fariy king. Also meeting him after so long of be separated. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel happy, sad, or mad. I'm so confused.

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