I Want Him

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Ban pov.
Hi my name is ban and I'm immortal and I have 2 secrets that I want to share with you and it's that I'm bi and I fell in love with the fairy king.

It all started when i went to the fariy kings forest. When I entered the forest to get to the top of the great tree, and  I was suddenly attacked by this little girl. The little girls name was Elaine. I tried to fight back to but I couldn't, So I looked around and then I saw a bunch of knives surrounding me.

I hear an angry voice say "Why are you here?!" I was shocked at first to hear the voice behind me, but I soon decided to turned around. As I turn around I saw the most beautiful person in the world, the fairy king.

When he asked again "Why are you here?!" I couldn't find my reason anymore, the reason to why I was here were gone. Then his little sister came and said "Can he stay?" When she said that I noticed she was blushing a little.

As well did The King notice and said "Alright he can stay but keep an eye on him to not make trouble."

   After the king said that Elaine was excited. She asked if she can show me all of the forest. One part of the forest there was a cliff, It looked over the ocean and the sun was setting. There was a tradition here to look at the sunset once a week, so everyone had to be there even the king himself.

So at the end of the sunset they would always jump or hang out on the sand. Some say they would always look forward to doing this every weekend, to just relax and have fun for one night.

Elaine would lookout for humans half the time and the half would be the king. She said "That humans would pluck the wings off fairies and that will kill them. The humans would sometimes sell the wings. That's why we have a look out."

It's sad really that they have to be careful when they hang out here in this beautiful place. A little after that she told me that she wants to have a little time to relax, and enjoy the nice cool water. A few minutes after she left the king came to lookout.

There was an awkward silence between us, so I finally spoke up saying "I want to say I'm sorry for trespassing on your land fairy king."

The fairy king said "It's fine. I can tell that my sister likes you and please call me harlequin."

"Well thank you for having me here harlequin." (thinking: I wish I could just tell him my feelings but we just met) After a while of hanging out at the beach we all left to go to sleep.

(Author pov. Fairies can't read mines sorry for interrupting.)

Ban's pov.

The next couple of weeks later, Elaine and I were dating. That's when it happened, the worst day of my life. On one calm day their was yelling, but no one knew who it was until they got closer. It was harlequin and he was looking for someone he was screaming "HELBRAM!? HELBRAM!? HELBRAM WERE ARE YOU!?!?"

Everyone said that "He left to the human world with some fairies" and he freaked out. He yelled in a worried voice "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TRY TO STOP THEM!?!?" At this point he was crying for his "friend" Helbram.

(Author chan POV. Ban does not know what their relationship is.)


I hate Helbram. He always took harlequin away from me. Sometimes I wished that he would die, so it will be me and harlequin always and forever.

Later the same day harlequin said "I'm going to get helbram and the others back. I don't know when I'm going to be back." Everyone said "no!" or "Ok please be careful." Elaine was both she didn't want her big brother to go, but also wanted her childhood friend back helbram.

I just in courage him to do the right thing. He choose to look for helbram. I was kinda hoping he choose to stay and we can hang out.

Harlequin said "Goodbye I'll be back soon." And like that he left to go find HELBRAM.

One month later

It's been a month and he still hasn't come back. Elaine and I began to worry, some thought he was lost, others thought he was hurt, The rest thought he was dead. We'll wait a little longer.

One year later

It's been a year already and he isn't here. We all thought he was dead now. I lost hope on the 6th month. But I still kept on for Elaine. But she gave up too. She was crying herself to sleep every night.

Two week's later

A big chunky red demon came and destroyed the whole forest. Elaine sacrifice herself to protect the others and I. She entrusted me with the last seed of the fairy tree and forced me drink the fountain of youth.

I hate harlequin?! He left the forest!! He let his sister die!!

Harlequin pov.

I hate ban for destroying the forest, and for the death of elaine!

Ban's pov.

But I can't stop loving harlequin. Am I lovesick?

Thank you for reading my story. Hope you have a nice day.😀

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