Chapter 1

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I sat on my bed, alone in my room. I took the leather cuff off of my right wrist, and looked at the name inscribed on it, Asher. It couldn't be the Asher that I know! The Asher that I know hates me. He's also a jerk!

Asher is a werewolf. He has a horrible temper that goes along with being a werewolf. That's part of the reason why I don't want him to be my soulmate. If he were to be my soulmate, then wouldn't he get jealous of anyone that I was around? I think so.

We are given a leather cuff at the end of eighth grade. You usually know your soul mate when you turn fifteen years old, but that doesn't always happen. My teachers have always said that we will meet our soul mates when we are ready to do so, no later nor earlier. I sighed as I hooked the clasp back on the cuff. I decided that I should get some sleep.


I woke up and decided to take a shower before I get ready to go to school. I got my clothes ready before heading to the bathroom for my shower. After my shower, I stayed in my bathroom to get dressed, and do my make up and hair.

When I was done, I walked out of my bathroom to get my school bag and went downstairs to eat some toast. I got downstairs and my mom had already had my toast on the table, and just the way that I like it. She knows me so well!

I started to eat my toast when someone just burst through my front door. I looked over to where I heard the door slam open, and there, standing in the door way, was my best friend, Amity. She had a huge grin on her face. Why in the world is she always so perky in the morning while I'm over her too tired to even yell at her for barging into my house.

Amity must be excited for our first day of high school. She certainly dressed for the occasion. She had on a nice black shirt with her favorite jean jacket and black pants. Amity even straightened her hair. I love her hair. It starts off as a brown, almost black, color that fades to a blondish red color. Her hair stops around the upper back area. She is just really beautiful. Her powers match her beauty. Amity can see the future. It is really amazing! She can see anything from 5 seconds ahead of time to many years into the future.

"Are you ready to go to school?" She asked, a little too excited for my liking. I love her and everything, but she is a morning person, where as I am night.

"Sure, but are you really that excited to just go to school?" I asked her a little skeptical about her enthusiasm.

"Yeah!" She replied in a 'duh' tone.

"And why is the oh so great Amity so excited?" I asked in a very sarcastic tone.

"We get to meet new people, and make new friends!" As she was saying this I felt like she has an alternative motive than just meeting people. Her birthday was last week and she was a little upset that there wasn't a name there. She then told me that she wouldn't worry about finding her soul mate. I don't believe that she has completely given up on the idea of having a soul mate.

"Why do you want to meet new people?" I asked, skeptically.

"It's always fun to meet new people, silly!" She grinned. She is such a dork.

"Not really." I said, nonchalantly.

"Stop being so negative all the time!" She all but screamed. Damn! She has a voice on her!

"I'm not. I just don't want to hate who my soul mate is." I was looking down by the end of my sentence.

"You can't hate your souls mate. Besides, if you hate your soulmate, they won't know your name anyway." She said, looking at the the sky. Sometimes I wondered if she really wanted to see a name on her wrist.

Soul Matesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें