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for the next few weeks, taehyung seemed off.

it was common for him stay in the bathroom for awhile, preoccupied with his cellphone. but never this long.

it also frequent for him to take naps during the day. but never this much.

it was also often that he'd buy shaving razors, but never this many.

and he knew that.

he knew that his actions were suspicious, but part of him wanted someone to notice.

part of him wanted someone to see the deep gashes on his arm.

part of him wanted someone to see him crying.

and part of him wanted someone to ask if he was okay.

he wanted his boyfriend to notice how numb taehyung was.

but of course, jeongguk didn't.

he didn't notice how bloodshot his lovers eyes were. or how he kept refusing to take his sweater off while they had sex. or how he sat on the opposite side of the couch.

but tonight, was finally the night where he realized.


taehyung couldn't help but notice the messages that kept coming into jeongguks phone. he knows he got mad last time, but he couldn't contain his urges.

he noticed that his boyfriend had changed his password, but also noticed that he failed to remove taehyungs fingerprint ID.

yoongi: hey, why'd you seem so off last night?

jeongguk: taehyung is really getting on my nerves.

he acts so damn selfish

i mean i love him and all, but it's getting to the point where i want to take a break with him. but he probably won't even change. he keeps ignoring me, he won't stop sleeping. he keeps asking for me to drive him to the drug store. he won't get off his fucking phone. he spends way too much time in the bathroom. we only have one! and he's hogging it!

yoongi: lmfao

i think u could use a break from that

just tell him how u feel

taehyung frowned. even when he was trying to make jeongguk happy, he still hated him.

"new message: namjoon"

namjoon: hey man sorry i missed ur text.

is he really that annoying? lmfao.

i knew he was annoying before but damn

taehyung didn't need to scroll up to see what jeongguk texted first, he already knew it was about him.

was he talking like this to other people too? without thought, he clicked to jimins contact.

jeongguk: can u take taehyung out somewhere? he's getting beyond my nerves right now, i don't want him in my house.

jimin: sure

what's he doing

jeongguk: he's just pissing me off. he's being a fucking prude about EVERYTHING. i mean i know he was pretty rough before, but he doesn't even wanna let me fuck him anymore because he doesn't want to take his clothes off. he locks himself in the fucking bathroom all damn day. and god damn it he acts like i'm a lion or some shit. he won't even sit next to me on the couch.

jimin: bruh

you're an idiot.

jeongguk: pardon?

jimin: you're kidding right?

he's scared of you for some reason

what the hell did you do?

jeongguk: i didn't do anything????

he's just being a little bitch.

jimin: why don't u ask him to take his shirt off.

then maybe your dumb ass will realize.

jeongguk: lmfao no way. he'll have a hissy fit.

read: 4:23pm

at least jimin noticed something.

steps bellowed behind him. his heart jumped as he scrambled to hide his boyfriends phone.

that was until, he dropped it on the floor.

too late to hide it now.

"taehyung what the fuck?" jeongguk sneered. rushing over, and picking his phone up from the hardwood floor. at least it didn't crack.

"why the fuck are you on my phone? i told you a about this. stop snooping through my shit." he added, a scowl laced across his face.

"i-um i just was-" taehyung hiccuped through tears, trying to hide his face.

"stop fucking crying. you're only sad cause i caught you in your bullshit. i'm not sorry for you." jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"what the fuck were you even looking at? reading my messages?" he laughed rudely. he opened his phone, seeing that he was in fact, looking through his messages. however, his heart sunk when he noticed the conversation he was looking at.

once tae noticed the change of expression on his boyfriends face, he knew he knew taehyung was reading those messages. sobs bubbled from his throat, desperately grasping for air. another panic attack? that seemed to be happening a lot nowadays.

jeongguk noticed, and quickly rushed to sit next to the blonde on the couch. he grabbed his shoulders and tried to pull him closer to him, only to be pushed off by a hysterical taehyung. he got frustrated, grabbing taehyung by his arms to try and control him.

but when he heard a soft gasp come out of taehyungs mouth, he softened his grip.

what the hell?

"why don't you ask him to take his shirt off"

the long bathroom sessions.

the refusal to take his sweater off during sex.

the constant trip to the drug store.


"taehyung...?" he started

taehyung didn't reply. he instead looked down at his lap, trying to catch his breath. but the panic in his chest only worsened.

before he could protest, jeongguk pulled taehyungs sweater sleeve up.

the sight wasn't pretty.

old, new, and fresh cuts littered his arm. they weren't just cat scratch cuts. no, they were deep.

there was no doubt that almost every single one of those cuts should've gotten stitches.

jeongguk gasped.

he's seen photos of self harm before, but they were never like this. taehyungs arm was completely mutilated, marks covering him entirely. even gashes over old cuts that were still raised.

what the hell had he done to his boyfriend...?


sorry this chapter sucks ass.

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