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The Experimented Chapter One: Prologue 


It was a cold winters afternoon when three girls, Two dirty blonde's and a redhead, walked out of there apartment building, heading to the local cafe.

The youngest of the trio, the redhead, turned and said " Do you two think it was a good idea to move to the city? I mean sure we have more opportunities for jobs and all but was it really worth it?"

The eldest of the group turned to reply to her younger friend and second roommate, "Look Jamalia we had to pack up and leave or else we would have be trapped by our "Parents" who are stuck in there own messed up worlds, remember your "mother" tried to force you into a stupid relationship with the that pig-headed douche-bag that you hated since Grade 8!" the redhead's eye's dimmed as she recalled that incident.

"I know Tamira, believe me I know." she muttered in a sad tone.

The second eldest of the trio spoke up for the first time since the conversation began, as they neared the cafe, " Don't forget what else that psychopathic woman did to you Jam. I mean who hires a mad scientist to turn their daughter into a deer hybrid." she stated in a hushed voice.

The redhead turned to face the other blonde haired girl and replied quietly as they entered the cafe, " I know Nikki, But don't go making out that my life is harder than yours and Tam's home life, i mean you were both abused by your drunken ass so called "father" and neglected for your "eldest sister" who they claimed was better than you two."

As the trio entered the cafe and ordered there drinks and food.


It was now late in the evening as the trio was walking back to their apartment when out of the corner of her eye Nikki saw a black van following them she silently signalled the other two to let them know what was happening, the other two nodded and quickened their pace however the van continued to follow the girls, and just as they approached the last block to their apartment complex the van cut them off and six men exited the vehicle and managed to knock the girls out before they started to struggle. As the girls were thrown into the back of the van one of the men muttered "I hope these three will be worth enough on the black market or else were screwed."


It had been a year and a half since the three of the girls had been seen or herd from, most thought that they were no longer among the land of the living, little did they know that the three girls had been sold on the black market by an illegally run government science facility. Over the past year and a half they were brutally tortured to "prepare" them for the experiments to come.

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