Chapter two: T20091FZ the new hybrid has arrived

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(Warning: some course language is used in this chapter. you have been warned)

P.O.V: Author

Jamalia, Tamira and Nikki had been knocked out and floating in the tanks for a week whilst the scientists ran tests on the three girls to insure that they would be alright to transport them to their new cell. As the scientist decided that the girls were deemed safe enough to be transported to the new cell with an additional cell mate, they removed the tubes from the girls and drained the fluids from the tank insuring that they stayed sedated for the trip.


P.O.V: T20091FZ ( bet you weren't expecting this :D)

I've been trapped here for so long now I don't even know who i am anymore only that my name starts with a 'T' so I've taken to being called 'TJ' after all that's the only other name I remember my old cell mates calling me before the crazy scientists killed them with the twisted experiments that they make us partake in like mice searching for cheese in a maze. Now all i have is the pocky that they give me to satiate my hunger. but the funny thing is i heard from one of the passing scientists that I'll be getting some new cell mates, i only know this thanks to the experiment that turned me into a hybrid of what seems to be a mix between some form of fox and a zombie, which gives me heightened hearing and senses to name a few.

P.O.V: Author

Whilst TJ was munching on a pocky stick the scientists opened the door and threw three passed out feminine figures through the door onto the moss covered old mattresses on the floor. With a groan from the figure on the bottom awoke from the force of landing. coincidentally it was Jamalia who had been awoken, she spotted TJ out the corner of her eye before turning her head to see the other two still passed out on the mossy mattresses before mumbling to herself, "I swear those two could sleep through world war three." as she heard a snore come from the two girls, before she heard a snicker from the other hybrid awake in the room.

Jamalia turned to her and sighed, "So.. whats your name, Mines Jamalia but I go by Jam?"

TJ replied with a short breath before speaking, "Cool, I go by TJ as I've long since forgotten my real name,*sigh*, my old cellmates used to call me that before they were killed in those twisted fucking experiments, however I do know that the first letter of my name is 'T'."

the conversation continued like this until the other two girls awoke asking in unison "What the Fuck happened to us!?"

At this point Jamalia turned around from her conversation with TJ and answered with a huff of air, " Girls what happened to you is what happened to me when I was with that psychotic woman i called 'mother' when she hired that mad man."

once again in unison Nikki and Tamira replied, " Oh.. Fuck, what are we then?"

Jamalia turned to reply when TJ answered for her, " My name is TJ, before you ask, and as for what Hybrid you are from the looks of it the short blonde is a zombie hybrid so you most likely have a healing ability like myself, the other blonde appears to be some form of alien hybrid and from the markings i would guess a lunar alien, and finally you Jam form what I gathered so far from your scent is that you were already a deer hybrid but the scientists seem to have injected demon DNA which has mixed into your deer DNA which has ultimately made you a deer demon."

all three girls replied at the same time after looking at their last letter on their arms from the code and said, "Well fuck."

(This is all for this chapter see you later people)

(PS. constructive comments are welcome)

The Experimented (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang