Chapter Three: "Hold up. We have WHAT now!"

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P.O.V: Author

All three girls were damn well shocked that they had been turned into hybrids that they did a spit take when it registered that they may have gotten abilities. All three girls looked at TJ and said "Hold up, wait a second. We have What now!"

TJ just sat back against the cold stone wall with a piece of poky in hand and calmly replied, " I said that you all will most likely get some kind of ability or abilities. like how i can heal myself and sense really well."

The girls just replied ,in unison, with a quite, "Oh, well shit."



Its been a year since the girls were turned into hybrids and given abilities that relate to the hybrid DNA. since then We've all gotten a form of power or in some cases powers, related to what our hybrid is, Nikki has strong telekinetic and telepathic powers along side a few minor powers such as precognition, light manipulation (of minor objects). Tamira has, enhanced strength and stamina as well as the ability to suppress pain. not to mention she also has the natural ability to heal herself. Whereas Jamalia has powers such as, pyrokinesis, super speed, agility, enhanced hearing and night vision these powers also come with a minor ability to levitate. Then there's me with powers, such as pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, enhanced senses, night vision and illusions along with a minor ability of limited enhanced strength.

over the time the powers have developed, we've been keeping them on the down low so we don't get caught with making the plans to escape. hopefully we can get out of this horrid twisted and nasty facility before we go insane.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologise for not updating in a while and for the short chapter but I've had writers block. None the less I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.)

The Experimented (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora