Chapter 1: The Experiments

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P.O.V: Nikki

It's been a year and a half since we were brought to this facility these scientist keep torturing us. At first it was only small things such as rigorous training that if not completed to their standards they would whip us and so forth but within the first month we were branded with a number code with the first letter of our name and a random one at the end, mine was 'N10233A', Tamira's was ' T10483Z' and poor Jamalia she had two random letters at the end of her code, her's was 'J19384DD' (AN these letters will mean something later). for some reason we were kept in the same cage taking us out one at a time every day to do the training endurance tests, but yesterday something weird happened Tamira was taken out of the cage but they've not yet brought her back, and to be honest I'm starting to worry a little but I won't let Jam know, she just can't she worries herself to much as it is, so when ever she asks if were OK we always have to reply yes or otherwise she may just worry herself to death. It's my day to be taken out of the cage like cell for 'training' more like torture.

P.O.V: Author

The scientists walked in to the room and grabbed Nikki by the arms and cuff her to prevent her fighting back, before they can remove her from the cage.

"Come now N10233 its time for your testing." one of the male scientists whispered " but you won't be returning to this cell for a very long time."

was the last thing Nikki heard before she passed out from one of the scientists inserting a needle filled with some form of knockout fluid.

Time Skip

After a few hours Nikki awoke in a tank of greyish blue fluid, with needles sticking out of her arms and legs. Across from her was another tank with a slightly familiar face in it and a very familiar code above the tank reading 'T10483Z' recognising the code as the one on her older sisters arm she deducted that it was Tamira who was in the tank, however she seemed to be mutated in a way, with greenish yellow fluid surrounding her.

But it was at this moment she noticed out the corner of her eye a female scientist holding a tube of what seemed to be purple blood in it to a cord like tube that was attached to her tank, then she screamed in pain a a needle with the exact same blood was injected into her left wrist, that was the last thing she saw before she blacked out due to the pain.

P.O.V: Jamalia

Its been another day so the only difference is that the in this prison we've taken to calling our hell hole of a home, I'm starting to worry a lot as the scientists have taken both Tamira and Nikki and haven't brought them back yet, which is causing me to panic quite a bit as we are hardly ever separated from each other because of our pasts. Soon I hear the familiar sound of the heavy iron door to this cage like cell, notifying me that the scientists are here to take me for my turn of torturing, and they make me black out as the chains don't work on me as I'm already a hybrid. I wake up a few hours later in a tank filled with dark greyish fluid, I see two other tanks filled with greyish blue and greenish yellow fluid containing two female forms, each with a familiar code above the tanks reading 'N10233' and 'T10483Z' i immediately knew who they were and what had happened to them, they'ed been turned into hybrids. suddenly I felt a prick against my right forearm it was a needle filled with what looked like black blood, knowing the process from having had the same process done to me a child thanks to my psychotic ass mother, I was able to stay awake for the most part but my vision started to blur and I passed out with a gurgled scream from the pain, but not before hearing the voice of one the scientist say;

" Soon we will have three new hybrids to add to our collection, all rare too; a zombie, a lunar alien, and a deer demon, to add with our other project, T20091FZ."

(AN. Now just who is T20091FZ find out in the next chapter!!)

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