- Chapter 2 - Somewhere unknown.

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{ Clockwork's POV }

I woke up in a bedroom with a cloth wrapped around my stomach. I tried to stand up (while laying down, like if you just woke up from a bad dream), but failed and fell. Somebody that was in the doorway suddenly looked at me, "Woah, you can't get up just yet. Not like that, anyway."

He said, staring at me with coal black eyes. He came to me and sat next to me.

"I'm BEN."

Okay, so I see a guy with white skin and a bloody smile, I get stabbed, see a man with no face, blackout, and then see this kid with black eyes with red pupils. Great.

"Uh.. Where am I..?" I said, not even mentioning my name.

"Oh, your a Slender's Mansion," he said with a smile, "Slenderman is the guy with no face, by the way. Jeff is the one who stabbed you... I'm sorry about that, by the way." BEN said, frowning but grinning. "Anyway, this is your bedroom. You are sharing, but you may have to stay here for a while until you recover. You can stay here permanently if you want to, all the creepypasta's live here."

"Creepypasta? You mean murders who went insane/did something to themselves? Well? I guess /I am/one.." I thought for a second. I DID want to live somewhere, I had no where to go. I guess I could stay here for a while.. Maybe permanently. "I'll stay here permanently, if that's okay with Slendy."

BEN smiled a bit. I guess he wanted me to stay here. "It's fine with him."

I nodded and looked at the ceiling. After a minute or two of silence, I realized I forgot to tell him my name.

"I'm Clockwork." I said, not even looking at him.

As I finished, a little girl with a teddy bear walked into the room. She was so cute! She was a bit bloody.. But still, adorable!

"Hi!" She said, looking at me.

"Hi!" I said, looking at her, "What's your name?"

"I'm Sally." She smiled. Holy shit she was adorable. I just wanted to squeeze her! "What's your name?" She asked me.

"I'm Clockwork. I love your name, Sally." I said, noticing she was a bit uncomfortable with me being around. She nodded a thanks and hugged me, saying to feel better. I promised her.

Sally and BEN decided to leave me alone.

I guess this was my new life.

I better get some rest, though. I want to be healed ASAP. As I looked at the ceiling a slowly closed my eyes, I drifted to sleep. I thought about my parents and my family.. And about killing them. It was a wonderful dream. Revenge is a sweet thing, you know.

But, when ever I had this dream I would think of different ways on how to kill them. It was a great dream, it re-

I woke up to a guy in a mouth guard and orange goggles on his forehead staring down at me.

"Um.. Hi..?" I said, blushing a bit because of how close he was. He blushed a bit, realizing I woke up.

"Oh.. Um.. Hi." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I- um- didn't mean to.. Uh- scare you or um- stare at you..?" He took a second to twitch. Okay.. That's new. And a bit odd..

"That last bit sounded like a question." I laughed to myself, enjoying his awkwardness. I felt a bit weird around him, /even if/ I didn't learn his name yet.

"Oops.. Well, um, I'm Toby." He said, helping me sit up-right on my bed.

"I'm Clockwork." I said, studying him. He has actually kind of cute for the people around here. I mean, I don't like him or anything but-

I felt my cheeks growing warm, which made it grow warmer.


"I.. Um... Could you should me around..?" I said, trying to ignore my blush.

I don't like him, okay? I mean, I just met him!

"Sure." He said, taking my hand and helping me up.

God, I really can't control my blush today! My face was as pink as bubble gum!


We walked around the mansion, meeting people, looking at rooms.. It was fun, I guess. I mean, there was a lot of people. Some where friends already, and some where enemies. For an example, the rake.

Okay, he's a rude jerk. Or, should I say ITS a jerk..?

"So.." Toby said.

{ Toby's POV }

"So.. How did you like it?" I asked, staring at her.

"Oh.." Clockwork said, trying to think of the right words. "It was really nice. I love this place, I really do." She looked at me.

She was so sweet.. I mean, after talking to her and sharing stories and stuff she became a really good friend. Clocky is really cute too-

I mean.. Uh..

I felt my cheeks warmed up.

Do I really love her..?

It can't be. I just met her today..

~TicciWork~ (Ticci Toby x Clockwork)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant