Chapter One

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A dim light shined into a cell. Across half of the face of a young boy sitting on a bed with a blank stare in his eyes. A loud door opened, the click of heels entered the room. Followed by the squeak of a familiar wheel being pushed in by a nurse. The hospital bed lowered down to where the boy could easily climb on. But he didn't look, he just kept his blank stare out the window of his room. Which to him had seemed like a prison cell though it was only a hospital room, a hospital room that he wasn't allowed to leave unless with a nurse or a doctor. "It's time for your doctors visit." Said a woman with curly brown hair and a pale face with bright blue eyes. The child slowly looked towards the lowered bed beside him still not looking at the nurse or the other woman who walked in before her with high heels and a suit, defiantly not I doctor. As he stared, wind began to blow, rustling his light brown hair. The wind picked up just barely enough to push the hospital bed to the other side of the room. The lady in the suit turned her head towards the nurse her low, blonde bun now visible, then to the bed.

The nurse looking uncomfortable and spoke in a shaky voice, "Now, Samuel we really must go, the doctor is waiting." She tried to stay calm walking over to get the bed then wheeling it back over next to the boy. Finally he looked at the nurse with a blank look on his face. Absentmindedly he lifted himself up onto the hospital bed on wheels. The nurse gave the woman in the suit a look of worry then bit her lip as she pushed the bed out of the room down the long hallway of the hospital.

Finally arriving at the room where the doctor was waiting Samuel switched from a hospital bed on wheels to a regular hospital bed and found another window to stare out of. The bald doctor asked, "How are we feeling today Samuel?" He said it expecting not to get an answer. "Good? Well, shall we get on with it?" The doctor asked getting a needle out of a drawer along with tubes that would soon be filled with samples of Samuels blood to be shipped off to a lab to be tested on. Samuel looked at the man with the same expression he'd had for a very long time. The doctor looked at the nurse for the okay to continue. She nodded.

"Okay here we go, be ready." He said looking at Samuel. Not getting a response he grabbed the needle and slowly jabbed it into his arm vain. Samuel didn't even wince he just stared out the window. The doctor extracted the blood slowly. Filling up vile after vile with Samuel's blood, until every single vile was full.

"All done." The doctor said patting Samuels knee cap. Samuel turned his attention from the window to the hospital bed on wheels. He narrowed his eyes and wind picked up again pushing the hospital bed out of the room a ways. The nurse sighed and scurried after the rolling bed. Samuel lowered himself to the ground and began walking. He walked past the nurse who chased after the hospital bed as if to make a point then headed back to his room or more accurately his prison cell. The doctor leaned his head out of the doorway of his room in confusion watching Samuel walk down. The lady in the suit clomped on her heels over to the nurse and they both stared in disbelief at Samuel walking to his room.

He sat on his bed staring out the window when the lady in the suit clumped her heels into the room followed by the nurse. "Samuel, Agent- I'm sorry miss I'm not sure what your name is?"

"That is irrelevant to the situation, Samuel, I need to speak with you, alone." She said looking at the nurse.

The nurse uncomfortably said, "Yes, of course." She wheeled the squeaky bed on wheels out of the room.

The agent sat down on the nearest chair in her creamy colored suit, sat her brief case down beside her and crossed her arms and legs. "Samuel, I'm from the Federal Burro of Investigation, and your case Samuel is extremely interesting." Samuel didn't look away from the window, his green eyes longingly looking out at world he hadn't been in for so long. "Tell me Samuel, how long has it been since you were able to leave this hospital?" The agent asked. That grabbed his attention, he slowly faced the agent. "What if I told you that I could take you outside, Samuel?"



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