Shinsou x Aizawa! Reader ~ I'm so glad I met you ~

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| (F/S) = Favorite sport |

| (F/S) = Favorite sport |~

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(Y/N) POV:
After seeing that lavender haired boy at the Sports Festival, I can't take him off my mind. He was so charming and did really well for what his quirk was. I've heard people say how his quick is better off for him to be a villain, but I highly disagree. He can control a whole bunch of villains at once if he wanted to! Anyways, I was coming home from Momo's house because we both needed to study. So we decided to do it together! As I walk inside of my home, to my room, suspecting dad is having a meeting, I look outside. What I see is amazing!
I see my father, Shota Aizawa, aka Eraserhead. And Hitoshi Shinsou, the boy I admire, training together! Shinsou has his shirt off!
I immediately get a nose bleed, so I grab some tissues on my desk to fix my self up.
After the bleeding stops I change into a tank top, shorts, and shoes. I put my hair up into a ponytail and run outside.
"Hey Dad."
My father immediately looks at me.
"Oh, hello (Y/N), how was your day at school?"
"How was studying with your friend?"
"Wonderful! So um, can you explain me what is going on here?"
I look at Shinsou and make eye contact. I immediately blush and look away.
"Well, Shinsou here has a similar quirk to ours. So I'm helping him become stronger physically."
"Ah, I see."
"Do you want to train with us? That's alright with you, right Hitoshi? "
He looks at me and nods with a smirk on his face.
"Of course, I don't see why not."
I give myself a high five on the inside, but on the outside I just smile and nod back.
"I want you two to fight. While fighting, (Y/N) I want you to us your quirk to erase Shinsous when he uses it on you. We'll see what Shinsou does then."
"Yes sir." Me and Shinsou respond back.
We both get ready to fight.
Can't believe this is happening!!
Nothing is happening though. We're just staring at each other.
"So, do you think your better than everyone else?"
I do my best not to respond and just glare at him.
"Because it seems like you do. I get it, your father is a pro hero and you have his powerful quirk.
How amazing" he says sarcastically.
I scoff. He grins.
"Do you really think you'll become a pro hero like your dad?
Or are you just gonna fail him?"
"You be qui-!"
Dammit, I fell for it...
I look at him and use my quirk. He starts charging towards me and I get ready. We're now fighting one on one. I do my best to block his attacks.
He's gotten good.
Suddenly, he kicks me and in the stomach which causes me to fly through the air and fall back.
I just lay on the ground, embarrassed and hurting.
"Well done Shinsou. You alright (YN)?"
I need to stop being pathetic and get the hell up...
I laugh. "Hehe yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I struggle to get up at first but eventually do. As soon as I stand up straight a sharp pain stabs me in the stomach. I grunt.
What the hell?!
I grab my stomach.
"You sure your alright?"
I fake a smile at him.
"Of course. I'm just gonna go to my room. I've had long day."
I mutter the last part as I walk away from them.
That was so embarrassing! What is up with my stomach?
I grab an ice pack from the freezer and lay flat on my bed.
I'm so weak. How am I supposed to be a pro hero when I'm that weak?
How am I supposed to make my dad proud...
I start crying. I lift my shirt up and look at my stomach.
There's a large bruise.
I growl and look outside again. They're just talking!
I look again and they start walking inside. I panic and run to close my door and back to my bed.
I hear a knock.
"Yes, who is it?"
"It's your favorite lavender haired boy."
My eyes widen.
"Come in!"
I quickly sit up as my door opens.
"Your dad invited me to eat dinner with you guys, so I'm gonna be here for a little while."
I just smile and nod at him.
He starts looking around. "Nice room."
He walks over to a picture of me when I was little.
"Look how cute you were."
I laugh. "I guess."
He smiles and looks at another picture. This time it's me playing (F/S).
"Huh. Was that fun?"
I nodded. "Very."
He looks over at me and notices the ice pack.
"Hey, you alright? Didn't mean to kick you that hard."
"No it's all good! And I'm fine."
He glares at me.
"Lift up your shirt."
I process what he just said and soon enough, my face starts to turn bright red.
"Not like that. Just so I can see your stomach."
"Come on!"
He walks over to me. "Don't make me do this."
I look at him confused and back away.
"Alright then, we're gonna have to do this the hard way."
He starts to tickle me, and I start laughing like crazy.
"S-Shinsou s-stop it! I-Im gonna d-die of l-laughter!"
He pins me down and lifts up my shirt to see the bruise.
"(Y-Y/N), I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you that bad."
"Shinsou it's ok. I know that you didn't mean it."
We just stare at each other for a couple of seconds.

This is my time to tell him how I feel!

"H-Hey Shinsou."
"Can I tell you something really important?"
He nods.
"W-Well ever since I met you at the Sports Festival I can't stop thinking about you. Your so cool, strong, and handsome!"
I blush.
"What I'm trying to say is that I have a huge crush on you!"
His eyes widen and he starts blushing.
"I love you too!"
I look at him shocked.
We both start to lean in for a kiss.
"I'm so glad I met you."
"Me too."

1060 words :) <3

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