Chapter 2: Bellamy and Clarke

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We walk to the bridge. My favorite room. I spent hours in here with my mom learning how to operate the ship. When we were younger, Monty, Jordan, and I would sit here learning about all the agriculture there was on Earth. It wasn't my specialty, though. I preferred a computer.

Jordan motions to the chair. I sit down.

"God... I've missed this." I whisper under my breath.

"So my parents left specific instructions on what to do. We need to wake Bellamy and Clarke first."

"Ok. I'll get started." I hit the keys and access cryo's network. I search for the right pods. Once I find them, I hit release. "Should we wake my mother?"

"Oh... didn't you get the note?" A bell rings. Telling us that they are waking soon.

"It's fine. We can do it later. Let's go meet them." I say, beaming with excitement. Bellamy and Clarke. The semi-perfect duo. My mother told me everything about them. And everyone else for that matter. I didn't always agree
with Clarke's methods, but I believe she had the right intentions... most of the time. And Bellamy. He is one of my favorites. The stories of him always made me wonder what he would be like towards me. Half of these people hated my mom, so how would they feel about me. I guess its time to find out.

We walk down the corridor. Nervousness fills my body. What if they don't like me? What if they are nothing like the stories? I feel a warm hand grasp mine.

"Everything is going to be fine, don't worry," Jordan says as we walk hand in hand.

We reach the cryosleep room. I see 3 pods lit up. All empty. Two bodies stand in front of us as the doors open. One with short blond hair, the other with short brown curls. I am stricken with awe.

"Why is it just us?" Bellamy asks Clarke. They don't realize that we are standing there.

Jordan speaks up first. "That's the way mom and dad wanted it," Their heads spin around. A moment pass'. "Uh... can I just say, wow? I mean, I can't tell you how good it is to finally meet you. Weird, but good. Great, actually."

"You're rambling," I whisper to Jordan.

"Who are you?" Bellamy asks.

"My name, right. I didn't tell you my name. Sorry. I've never met anyone before, so I clearly suck at it." Jordan chuckles.

"Your name..." I remind him.

"Oh... I'm Jordan, Monty and Harper's son."

"They didn't go to sleep." Bellamy sadly states.

"They talked about your time on the ring a lot. Too much, actually. How happy they were there. I guess they wanted to get back to that. Get dressed and come to the bridge. Dad left explicit instructions. Wake Clarke and Bellamy first. Play them the message." Jordan says mournfully. It didn't hit me until now. Monty and Harper aren't here anymore. We start to walk away.

"Wait. How long were we asleep?" Clarke speaks. My head spins around.

"125 years," he answers. I softly gasp. Has it really been that long? I turn to walk away.

"Hey, we didn't catch your name," Bellamy states. I turn to them.

"Oh um. I'm Hope. Hope Diyoza."

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