Chapter 11: The Questions

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"Hey, guys," I tell Emori, Murphy, and Raven as they enter my childhood bedroom.

"Hey. Where do you want him?" Murphy asks.

"Just put him anywhere. I don't care." He throws him down on a chair near the corner.

"Okay, now tell us what this place is. A torture chamber or something?" He turns his head and sees the carving of his face. "What the hell? Is that me?"

"Yeah... this is my bedroom. I had a weird childhood." I tell him. He responds with an understanding nod.

"Okay. Well, do you want us to stay? Considering what he did to Bellamy's face." Emori asks.

"No, I'll be fine. We were both trained by my mom but I have 9 more years on him. You can wait outside," I inform them.

"Okay just yell if you need anything," Raven says.

"Okay, will do," I say as they walk outside.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Jordan spits out. I glare at him.

"Well... you called me a slut and you beat the shit out of Bell so-" I get out before he cuts me off.

"Great! You have a pet name for him!" He yells.

"Dude! Really? At this point, you are just being an ass. Bellamy and I are not a thing. And even if we were what would you care? You understand that you will not always gonna be the only guy in my life, right?" I ask him. There is a pause. "Not a rhetorical question."

"Yes! Of course, I do. I just... miss you." He tells me.

"I don't get it. I've been here the whole time." I say.

"No not like that. I miss my best friend. aren't her. You are someone completely different and distant. You yelled at me in the hall when I asked if you were okay! You told Bellamy about your tumor first instead of me! You tried to shoot me when I woke you up! What happened? What changed?" He says with a stroke of sadness on his face.

"I grew up. It wasn't easy living all alone without you. I had to go to the cryo chambers just to remember your face... It was really hard for me and I wish I was still that 8-year-old girl that you grew up with but I'm not, just like you aren't that little boy anymore. We've changed and we can either accept that fact or continue to be apart and hurt people we both care about," He shakes his head up and down. "Okay, but you still aren't completely forgiven. You beat Bellamy to a pulp, dude. Super not cool."

"I know. I feel terrible about it. I mean that guy is one of my idols." He reminds me.

"I'm still pretty confused about why you went after him," I tell him.

"Because I guess I thought you were with him and it pissed me off."

"Why? I still don't understand. Do you... like... like me?" I ask him.

"No... I... don't know,"

"Oh, okay," I stood there for a second not knowing what to say in response. "I'm sorry that I sent Murphy after you."

"What? You did what?" He yells.

"Oh yeah, you didn't know that part. Well, I should get going, they think Bell is going to wake soon. I'll see you." I open the door and see Murphy fall in from putting his ear against the door. Emori and Raven stand behind him laughing. "Very smooth, John. He's free to go."

"Just like that?" Emori asks.

"Are you sure he won't beat anyone else?" Raven questions.

"Yeah. He's good." I walk away in the direction of the Medbay.

Merry Christmas everyone!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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