Chapter 4: Charmaine

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I'm sitting at the computer, trying to see if the pods are stable. Jordan walks up to me. He appears on edge.

"Are you alright? You seem off."

"Listen. Uh... I didn't know how to tell you this so... I'll just let her do it." He hands me the note that was next to my pod. "I'm so sorry." I open the envelope revealing a note card. It has my name on the front. I flip open the flap. I recognize the handwriting. It's my mother's.

It reads, 'Hope, I love you very much, that is why it is so hard for me to leave you. Since you were a baby, I knew you were special. You were skilled in hacking by the age of 8, hand-to-hand combat by the age of 10, and a
sharpshooter by the age of 12. You will do wonderful things in your life, I know it and I love you unconditionally. I don't know how to say this, so I will just say it. I'm not putting myself in cryo. I need to know that you will be okay because you have a brain tumor. I figured it out last week. But you are going to be fine because while you are in cryo I am going to write a course of action for Abby to look over. I love you, Hope. Do great things. Make me
proud, kiddo.'

A tear rolls down my face. That tear turn to two, which turns to three. She's gone. My mother is gone. It's all my fault. I start sobbing, thinking of her. The bedtime stories she would read me. The training she would give me. The fight we had two weeks before I was put in cryo. I hear footsteps coming towards me, but I can't stop crying. I feel a hand on my back.

"What's wrong? What can I do?" I hear Bellamy say.

"Everything is wrong and no one can do anything about it." I cry out. "She's gone!" I repeat over and over again as I cry into his shirt.

"Who's gone?" He asks me in a calm voice.

"My mother! She's... she's..." I respond barely able to get any words out at all.

"I'm so sorry, Hope." He says after understanding what I meant. We stayed there for a while.

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