Chapter 5: The Dream Team

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It's been 3 days. I hear words but I don't comprehend them. It's just muffled voices in a depressing environment. Everywhere I look I see her. I can't even sleep in our room. I've been sleeping in the training room.
I haven't talked to anyone about my tumor. There is nothing they could do. The only person who I would be willing to tell is Bellamy but he's really busy doing... leader stuff I guess... I haven't really been listening.

"Are you on board, Hope?" Clarke asks. Clearly, I didn't hear a word they said.

"Yeah, totally," I respond.

"Ok, we will do it in thirty," Bellamy says. The four of us disperse, or at least I thought we did until Jordan come walking up behind me.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks. He knows the answer. He just hopes it's different.

"Seriously Jordan? Are you actually asking me if I alright after just finding out that my mother is dead? And for what? Me? No, I'm not alright." I quicken my pace leaving him behind. I probably went a little too hard on him but he'll get over it. I go into Bellamy's room. He's sitting, thinking. "Hey, do you have a minute? I need to tell you something."

"Yeah, but first I need to ask you something... Are you and Jordan like... A thing?"

"Oh... well our history is complicated but no... we aren't," I respond, taken aback by the question.

"Oh... ok. Just the age thing is kinda weird. I mean, You're technically the same age but not... I'm sorry. You came in here to tell me something and I completely shut you up. What's up?" He asked. I regretting coming in here at all.

"Nevermind. It's not important." I turn to leave.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything, so what's going on?" He responded quickly.

"Alright... um... so don't freak out. In the letter, my mother explained to me the reason she didn't get in a pod... she needed to know that I would survive... um... because I have a tumor," A look of madness and confusion hits his face.

"What the hell? Why wouldn't you say anything?" he asked filled with anger yet somehow, filled with compassion.

"I just felt like we needed to deal with other things first. About that, when are we waking the others?"

"Weren't you listening to us at the meeting. We are waking Raven, Murphy, Emori, Shaw, and Madi in 20 minutes."

"Oh. I guess I wasn't really listening." I confess.

"It's fine. Just meet us in the bridge. We have to brief them on this,"

"No," I shoot back. "You can't. Jordan would never forgive me for not telling him first."

"Fine. You tell them today or I will. Your call,"

"Thank you," I start to walk away.

"Why did you tell me first?" He asks. I stare away from him.

"You're the only one who I feel cares about me right now." I walk out of the room.

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