Chapter One

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"Dad, you ready to go?" Hope shouts down the staircase of their house to Charlie, who's tying his shoes.

"One sec, you can hop in the car" he replies.

Hope runs down the stairs to the car. Her purse bumping up and down as she goes. Once she's seated and strapped in Charlie is quick to join her and they are off to the airport. Hope's sister Bella is coming home today, this time she's actually going to live with them and not stay a few weeks in the holidays like she usually does. She's nervously playing with the sleeves of her jumper through out the ride. She hasn't seen Bella since she last visited a few years ago. Thoughts flying through her head. What's she like now? Will she still like me? I wonder how much she's changed. Will we get along like we used to? It's not long before they arrive and they see Bella waiting to be picked up.

Hope and Charlie quickly get out of the cruiser to greet her, Hope going to give her a hug.

"Hey Bella, long time no see, how are you?"

"Yeah, I've been good, the plane trip was alright." Bella replies as she pulls out of the hug to greet Charlie who was just done loading her luggage into the car.

The ride home was nothing short of awkward for everyone in the car. Soon enough the back inside there house.

"So everything's basically the same, I got to design your room but you can change it if you like." Hope says as she shows Bella the new room she'll be living in, "I hope you like purple for the bed, and as you may remember only one bathroom so I cleared a shelf for you."

Bella shifts awkwardly on her feet as she looks around the house before replying to her sister "yeah purples good, thank you, my room looks great."

"Well I'll leave you to unpack, let me know if there's anything you need help with, my rooms opposite yours and dads is down stairs" Hope says as she leaves to go to her room.

"Thank you" Bella quickly says just before Hopes door closes.


The sounds of a car horn fills Hopes room, beeping from the front of the house. She already knows who it is so she's quick to exit the house and jump straight into Jacobs arms. Her and Jacob have been best friends since she was adopted by Charlie when she was 10.

"Jake" Hope squeals as she gets spun around by said boy.

Once he finally puts her down she bends down to give his father, Billy, a welcoming hug. "Hey Billy, good to see you."

"I'll go get Bella" Hope volunteers already heading back into the house, one she reaches the stairs she yells upstairs "Bella, come down, come see Jacob and Billy."

Soon enough Hope, Bella and Charlie are outside with Jacob and Billy. Standing, or in Billys case sitting, around a old looking red truck.

"Bella you remember Billy Black" Charlie says pointing to him.

"Yeah, wow, your looking good" Bella compliments as Billy and her shakes hands.

"Well, I'm still dancing" Billy jokes "I'm glad your finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

"All right, keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud" Charlie rolls his eyes walking a bit back.

Billy rolling after him exclaiming "after I ran you in the ankles."

Jacob and Bella talk for a little bit while Hope zones out watching Billy and her dad play fighting. She's drawn back into the conversation by Charlie slapping the rim of the truck "so, what do you think?" He asks Bella, gesturing to the truck.

"Of what?" Bella asks slightly confused.

"Your homecoming present" Hope explains "Dad just bought it off Billy"

"I totally rebuilt the engine for you" Jacob brags, he's clearly still got a crush on Bella Hope thinks to herself after seeing the way he's been looking at her. Bella smiles with excitement as her and Jake get into the car so he can show her how everything works.

Hope stays with the old men listening to Billy brag about how he's 'down with the kids' and Charlie sarcastically replies 'yeah, your the bomb'.

After that Jacob and Billy head off back home. During dinner it's still a bit awkward between the three, still not knowing their dynamic with each other. They're all sitting around the dinning room table in silence until Hope speaks up "so Bella, you looking forward to your first day at the new school?"

Bella looks up from her food to answer her "umm, not really, hopefully I'll make a few friends."

"Well if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me" Hope offers "I usually hang out with the Cullens but most people find them weird."

"Yeah cool thanks"

The rest of dinner was in silence until Hope stood up to put her dishes in the dish washer and headed up to her room shouting goodnight as she went. Her room's pretty basic, a single bed set in the corner next to the window with her dresser opposite it, and a small desk in the other corner. Her rooms a mixture of different shades of blue and green and has a lot of painting of the beach. She has draws under her bad that stores all of her art supplies, such as paints, canvasses, pencils and drawing books. She sits on her window sill for a bit, drawing the forest outside, thinking about what tomorrow might bring and how everyone will react to Bella before heading of to bed. Her dreams filled with blurred visions and the sound of people chanting.

Word count: 962
Authors Note: Please like and comment so I know what you think. The first few chapter might be a bit boring but I'm working on it. I'm not sure on what basis I'll update but I'll try to often. Also how long do you think each chapter would be best? Any ideas on what I could put in here? Thanks for reading.

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