Chapter Four

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As Bella gets taken to the hospital in an ambulance, Edward with her, the rest of the Cullen's stand around the front of the studio trying to come up with what to do with Hope. Alice sobbing into Jaspers shoulder as everyone thinks of what to do and how to explain to Charlie that his daughter's dead.

Inside the studio James' body burns in the corner, rubble is left everywhere and Hope's lifeless body lays at the side of the room. The only sound being the burning of the flames and the distant voices of the vampires who stand outside.

Suddenly Hope groans as she feels a pounding in her head. As she slowly moves to sit up her eyes flicker open before squeezing shut due to the bright fire. Outside she can hear the people talking but she's to disorientated to fully hear who it is and what they're saying. As Hope slowly comes to her senses the Cullen's continue to talk, too grief stricken to notice the movement coming from inside the building. Leaning on the column next to her Hope slowly stands up completely confused, the last thing she remembers is James holding her neck and seeing Bella lying defenceless on the ground. Remembering that she's hit with a wave of panic and quickly searches for Bella before rushing outside.

Carlisle speaks up to the rest of the family "We'll have to tell Charlie that Hope —," He's cut off as the front doors of the studio slam open and Hope comes flying out, a some what dazed look on her face. Hope sighs in relief when she sees them standing there. All of them stand there frozen in shock, completely confused on what's going on.

Hope steps towards them, "Where's Bella? Is she okay? What happen —," she just about gets nocked to the ground when Alice flings herself at her giving Hope probably one of the hardest hugs she's ever had in her life.

"I can't believe your alive" Alice exclaims "I don't understand, I heard your heart stop."

"What?" Hope looks at the others, "what do you mean you heard my heart stop?"

Carlisle looks thoughtful for a second before an idea pops into his head and he's quick to approach Hope. "Bella's alright, she's at the hospital with Edward" He answers her previous questions, "do you mind?" He questures to her head, Hope shakes her head and Carlisle takes that as all the invitation he needs before he moves closer to her face looking deeply into her eyes. He nods his head slowly before moving backwards "Hope, there's something you need to know..."

"Well, go on."

"Cold ones aren't the only type of vampire there is, there's another type" Carlisle explains "most call them the night walkers, they're different from us, they can bleed, they eat, their vampire face is different, with dark vanes coming down from their red eyes and long sharp fangs, they also burn in the sun unlike us who just sparkle, although some have magic rings that provient that" he pauses, looking intensely at Hope before continuing "to become one of these vampires a human has to die with vampire blood in their system, after they die they'll wake up again in transition, from there they have to decide, either drink human blood and become a full vampire or don't and die."

Hope looks at Carlisle concerned "Why are you telling me this?" She questions slowly.

Carlisle looks at her sadly "you in transition Hope, somehow you got vampire blood in your system, and then... then James killed you, and now..."

Emmet steps forwards angrily "How is this possible?" He growls "Hope's a werewolf, she can't be a vampire as well"

Rosalie joins in as well, "What about Hopes magic? I mean.. is she still gonna be a witch?"

Carlisle puts up his hand, cutting them off "Just.. I'm not sure.... this has never happened before, I don't know" he says before looking to Hope, his eyes softening as he sees Hope looking back at him, fear in her eyes, "Hope, your still a wolf, it should be impossible for you to become a vampire, I mean.. you should be dead, but it's appart of your DNA so that'll never get taken from you, you'll somehow be both, but every witch who becomes a night walker, their magic disappears, they're no longer witches" at this Hope bends down her head falling into her hands as her eyes begin to water and a million things going through her head, who even am I without my magic?, Carlisle approaches her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Just try a spell, your somehow going to be a hybrid so let's just wait and see, you might still have your magic."

Hope looks up to him "What happens now? Do I drink human blood and then disappear from my family's lives? Not drink blood and... d-die?" She stands up looking around her hands running through her hair "I don't know what's happening... and I'm s-scared, I'm really scared and I just... I don't..." Rose is quick to give her a hug.

"You have a choice, no ones going to make you do anything" She conforts.

"I don't want to die" Hope admits, looking into Roses eyes.

She holds Hope by the shoulders looking intensely at her "then we'll get you the blood, you'll become a vampire, we'll take you back to our house and figure it out from there."

Hope nods wiping her eyes and giving Rose a weak nod. It's times like these where she couldn't be more thankful to have this supernatural family as her friends, her family. They are her family and she couldn't appreciate them more for being with her through the bad times.


Hope sits on the couch in the middle of the Cullen's living room, a blood bag in her hand. She knows she has to drink it but she's scared. Bella's still in the hospital so obviously Edward is still with her, Bella's mum has been visiting her there as well. Hope still hasn't seen her sister yet, or her dad. She rung Charlie to tell him that she was sick at the Cullen's and didn't want to get him sick too, so he couldn't see her. She takes a deep breath, slowly lifting the bag up to her mouth. She hesitates before she finally drinks. Once the blood enters her mouth she hungrily finishes it all off.

She looks up to Carlisle and Jasper who stands in front of her, her eyes red, vains going down her face and fangs bared. Jasper shares a look with Carlisle before bending down to Hopes height, placing a hand on her knee. "So we'll teach you to control you're thirst and hunt then we'll see how you do with Charlie and Bella" he explains "you'll have to pretend to be sick until you feel ready to go to school."

Hope looks at him a bit confused "how do you know I'll control it that quick? I mean, you- you've been working on it for years and your still not 100%"

"Well your part wolf and witch so your vampire side won't be as strong, also your type of vampire has better control of their thirst, unless your a ripper but that's unlikely." Carlisle explains.

"Well, lets go, no time like the present" and before Jasper or Carlisle can react Hopes zoomed out the door running through the forest outside.

Word Count: 1255
Authors note: It's been awhile since I've undated so sorry for that. Please like and comment. I'm going to try update more often. Let me know if I missed anything or you have any ideas on what I should add.

Important notice: I haven't watched season 5 of the Originals or Legacies so I'm not exactly sure how her supernatural side works but I'm having it so she's like Niklaus but with magic, she'll obviously not be as strong and stuff because she's not 1000 years old and doesn't have that strength yet. So Hopes going to be a vampire/werewolf hybrid and still have her magic, also she'll be able to turn into a wolf whenever she wants but it'll still hurt, she'll also have to be invited in, drink blood and most of the other vampire stuff. Let me know if you have any ideas on what her supernatural abilities and limitations should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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The Tribrid of Forks {Hope Swan} {twilight/the originals}Where stories live. Discover now