Chapter Three

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Hope looks out the window of the car as the trees zoom past everything a blur not really listening to what Bella and Edward are saying. She slowly zones back in when she hears them talking about Charlie.

"We'll figure a way to lead the tracker away somehow." Bella snapped at Edward. "I don't know, but we have to do something."

Soon they arrive back home and before Hope knows it Bella is yelling at Edward and heading up stairs to pack her bag, she's quick to follow and get her own bag. As they head back down stairs she talks to Charlie just after Bella leaves the house. "Don't worry, I'll be back, I'm just gonna make sure Bella is safe" she goes to turn the handle back is quick to turn around and give Charlie a big hud, tears in her eyes, "I love you dad, see you soon." And like that she's back in the car on the way to the Cullen's. On the drive it's only now that she's fully processing what's happen and what could happen, her heart starts beating faster and she feels her eyes filling up with tears even more, threatening to spill out. Hearing the change in heart beat Edward reaches over, holding her hand to comfort her.


Not long later she's sitting next to Bella in a hotel room in Phoenix with Alice and Jasper. Rosalie, Emmet and Edward were leading the tracker away. As Hope sits their nervous waiting for some news she going over some spells just in case worse comes to worse. It's not a full moon so she knows she'd never be as strong or fast as James but she's got her magic so maybe that could give her an edge if she has to fight him.  As she's thinking she hears Alice give a deep gasp, quickly her head snaps to Alice, waiting to see what she says.

"The tracker, he just changed course" she says in an airy voice as Jasper give her a piece of paper. "Mirrors, a room full of mirrors." She describes as she draws. Hopes looks down seeing the drawing and being highly confused by it.

"Okay, so the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" Bella asks after seeing the picture.

"You've been here?" Alice questions, concern lacing her voice.

"I took lessons as a kid." She explains "the school I went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper asks.

"Yeah" she's says, grabbing her phone to call Edward. Hope decides to give them space and doesn't listen in.

Slowly Hope sits on the ground, her head hanging in her hands. Jasper and Alice go down stairs to pay for their stay while Bella packs. Hope honestly can't bring her self to move, all she can think about is her dad and if herself and Bella will be safe.

Slowly she stands up to pack her stuff when she hears Bella's phone ringing. "Is it Dad?" She asks quickly.

Bella looks over to Hope, "no, mum" she replies before answering the phone, "Hey mum, I'm glad you got my message, what are you doing home?"

"Bella? Bella? Bella, where are you?" Renee's urgent voice sounds through the phone.

"Calm down, everything's fine."

"Bella? Bella?"

"I'll explain everything later." Bella continues, Hope then hears a change in the phone, "mum are you there?"

"Forks high school doesn't protect its students privacy very well." James voice sounds through the phone, "it was just to easy for Victoria to find your previous address" Hope is quick to take the phone off Bella and respond.

"What do you want?" She growls into the phone, "leave Renee alone."

"Wait.. wait" Renee's voice goes through again.

"To save Bella's mum all you need to do is come to her old ballet studio" The Tracker says "bring Bella, make sure none of the Cullen's follow."

"Fine." Hope says hanging up the phone. She's quick to turn around "Bella, it's your call."

"We have to save her." Bella says already moving out of the room.

Hope follows calling after her. "This is a terrible idea."


Hope and Bella soon get out of the taxi once it arrives in front of the studio. Bella goes to run inside but Hope stops her. "Stay out here" She orders "I have my magic and some supernatural strength, I'll go in first." She sees Bella slowly nod her head before she starts to enter. As she walks closer to the main room she hears Renee's voice and rushes to the cupboard it's coming from. Looking around she finds a video tape, on it is Renee looking for a young Bella who doesn't want to dance.

"Oh, little wolf, you didn't think it would be that easy did you." James voice echos around the room. Hope spins around trying to find where James is. Looking around she sees his reflection in all the mirrors. Cautiously she takes a step forwards.

"How'd you know I'm a wolf?" She questions.

Suddenly James appears in front of her, tilting his head to the side in a mocking manner, "you mean besides the stench?" Using vampire strength he reaches forwards grabbing Hopes arm flinging her into a mirror across the room.

As Bella's waiting outside for a signal she hears the crash and rushes inside. As Hope slowly tries to get up she sees Bella enter the room. "No, Bella, Leave," she yells trying to warn her sister.

Bella looks in Hopes direction in alarm, "what?" Suddenly she's thrown into a column, falling to the ground.

James slowly bends down in front of Bella, camera in hand "awww" he says mockingly, putting on a fake pout. "Why don't you say something to Edward? Tell him to avenge you!" He shouts.

"No! Edward don't!" Bella groans out in pain. Just after James crushes her leg he gets tackled to the side by Hope.

"Leave my sister alone!" She shouts. James soon over powers her pinning her up against the wall, his hand pushing against her throat as she struggles to breath.

"You really shouldn't have done that" he breaths out before turning to Bella, Hope still in his grasp. "Say bye to your sister Bella" he slowly puts more pressure on her throat.

"NOOO!" Bella shouts, desperately trying to get up.

Hope locks eyes with Bella before her head gets twisted to an awkward angle, a crack sounding out. As if in slow motion, Hope Swan's lifeless body falls to the ground, her last thought being of her family and the people she loves.

Word Count: 1,115
Authors note: I just want to say thank you to anyone who's ready this book. Let me know if you have any ideas for this story. And I'll try to update more often. Please vote and comment.

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