Chapter Two

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A grunt can be heard through out Hope's room as she reaches to turn off her alarm that's blearing out of her phone. She pressed the home button, light coming from it showing the time, 6:30am. She slowly removes her bed sheets and makes her way to the bath room to get ready for the day ahead. Once she's dressed and ready she goes down stairs to make breakfast. As she's eating she sees Bella coming down. "Morning Bella"

"Good morning"

Once Hope finishes her food she makes her way back upstairs to pack her bag then she's out the door, hopping on her motorcycle to go to school. Just as she's about to take off Bella comes outside, "Hey Hope, do you wanna ride with me to school?" She offers.

"Umm.. nah I'm all good, see you there."

She hooks her leg over her bike and puts on her helmet, taking off onto the ride on her way to school. Soon enough she pulls into the school parking lot, parking next to the most expensive cars there, the Cullens. She greets them after she gets off, giving all of them a hug.

Her classes go by fairly quickly and nothing interesting really happens until she reaches lunch time. As she walks into the cafeteria next to Edward she sees Bella talking to Angela Weber and Jessica Stanley while looking in her direction. Curious, she uses her werewolf hearing to hear what their saying. "Next to your sister, that's Edward Cullen, he's totally gorgeous, oblivious" Jessica explains "but apparently nobody here's good enough for him, like I care, you know?" She continues bitterness laced in her voice.

Hope can feel Bella's eyes following them as she hears Jessica talk even more "so yeah, seriously, like, don't waste your time."

Bella faces back to her table again "I wasn't planning on it" Yeah right Hope thinks to her self.

Angela then leaned forward "well I mean who knows, the only person they talk to that isn't their family is your sister, so who knows, maybe they have a thing for Swans" she says smirking towards her.

Mike hears the end of their conversation and cuts in giving Bella a flirty look "Well I mean who doesn't?"

Hope turns back to the Cullen's smirking slightly and starts up a conversation with Jasper while eating her food. At the end of the day she hops on her motorbike and follows the Cullen's back to their house. "Sup doc?" She addresses Carlisle as she welcomes herself into his home.

Carlisle smiles at her "I'm good Hope, how are you?"

"Good, I'm good, you know despite Edward freaking out on my sister, I was actually wondering if you had anymore spell books I could look at?"

Hope follows Carlisle into their library as he goes to pull out a book near the back "I've been waiting for you to be ready to use this one and finally I think you are."

"What's it about?" Hope curiously questions as she starts to flip through the pages.

"It's got extremely powerful defensive and offensive spells in here, only ones you should use in great need, so be careful."

Hope gives him a side glance "what you mean? I'm always careful" she says arrogantly.

Rolling his eyes Carlisle responds "yeah, sure you are."

"Anyway" Hope says, starting to leave "that's all I'm here for, I'll see you later."


Months go by with Hope and Bella slowly falling into a good routine. Edward finally came back to school and not long after Bella new about them being vampires. She then found out about Hope being a Tribrid after Hope told her when she question Edward if she knew what the family were. Bella was slightly freaked out but more interested than anything else. Honestly Bella finding out everything ultimately led to the sisters becoming closer as there was no longer any secrets between them. It was soon weeks before homecoming and the Cullen's, plus the Swan sisters, were out in a massive field playing some classic baseball. Hope was already there by the time Bella and Edward arrived.

"Hey Bella" Hope calls out, "Call them as you see them, Emmet has a tendency to cheat"

Emmet rolls his eyes approaching Hope and pulling her into an affectionate head lock, starting to mess up her hair. "Loser" he mumbles.


And just like that the games begins. It starts off with Rose smashing the ball that Alice through at her but she wasn't fast enough to reach home and Edward got the ball back to home base before her. After that Rose was clearly annoyed starring daggers at Bella. It was then Carlisle's turn to bat. Both Edward and Emmett went for it but crashed into each other. After that it was Jasper who showed off a bit flipping to bat around before hitting it, Emmett jumping up a tree to reach it. Rosalie then hit again, the ball going off into the trees. Before anyone could go get Alice had a vision and called the game to a holt. The vampire quickly zoomed over to Bella and Hope. "They were leaving, then they heard us" she explained.

"Let's go" Edward quickly says trying to get Bella away but Carlisle stops him.

"It's too late"

Edward then quickly looks to Bella and Hope, "Get your hair down" he instructs.

Rose gives a look to Bella before commenting "like that'll help, I can smell her from across the field"

The Cullen's then assemble to meet the 3 vampires quickly approaching them, all of their eyes as red as blood. The middle one who has dark skin, dread locks and an orange jacket lifts up the bass ball the Cullen's had been playing with seconds before. "I believe this belongs to you" he greets, throwing it to Carlisle.

"Thank you"

"I am Laurent and this is Victoria and James" he says, gesturing to the two next to him.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family" he responds, trying to play it cool, "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a meddling for us."

"Our apologies, we didn't realise the territory had been claimed."

As their talking Hope is looking at the other two, she locks eyes with James and she can already tell that it's not gonna end well. The look in James' eyes is something she's never seen before, it kind of scares her. She zones back into the conversation to see Bella's hair move in the wind and the nomads in front of them get in hunting positions. She's quick to move in front of her sister, growling with her werewolf eyes and fangs on show, prepared do spell them at any moment but not wanting to give away her power.

"A human?" Laurent questions looking at Bella before moving his eyes to Hope and showing a look of true surprise "a werewolf?" He gasps lowly.

"The girls are with us" Carlisle defends "I think it best if you leave."

Slowly Laurent retreats "I can see the game is over, we'll go now" he then leaves taking James and Victoria with him.

Edward is then quick to get Bella and Hope in his car then he's off. Hopes thought running a mile a minute, she's scared. What about Charlie? What's going to happen to me? Am I going to die? She slowly zones out, not prepared for what comes next.

Word count: 1243
Authors Note: I'm trying to get through Twilight quickly so I can start working on New Moon. Please like and comment so I know what you think. I'm not sure on what basis I'll update but I'll try to often. Also how long do you think each chapter would be best? Any ideas on what I could put in here? Thanks for reading.

The Tribrid of Forks {Hope Swan} {twilight/the originals}Where stories live. Discover now