Chapter 6: Not So Positive Image

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Taehyung had known about his image, not only to his employees but also to the public.

Lately he'd been seeing a lot of comments regarding his strictness and how he needs to be nicer to his employees.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook had quite a following since they uploaded pictures of the trainees expected to debut. Taehyung normally would've terminated both of their contracts but there was also something oddly familiar about the older boy.

Taehyung made it back to his office and looked through the list of trainees.  He couldn't find the boy.  As we know the boy he was looking for wasn't a trainee but a choreographer. 

It drove Taehyung nuts he was sure he's seen this boy before.

Seoul, South Korea 2015

Jimin walked home from his dance lesson that ran late once again. He was exhausted and sad. He'd continued to take dance lessons even after his parents said it was too much of a financial burden and he should be saving his money for college.

He sat on a bench and just watched the sky.

He sang softly. He nearly fell asleep.

He was surprised as a car passed by him because of the lack of cars he'd seen that night.

Taehyung. He went to a business dinner with his parents and brothers. He hated every second of it.

They were being driven home and Taehyung was being yelled at for hiding in the bathroom.

Of course, since 2010 he had realized the "importance" of his family's work and cooperated better. Although he hated interaction, even with his family. Especially his family.

He looked out the window. He too felt lonely and lost.

It was an empty street except for a boy he'd spotted sitting on a bench by the stop sign they were waiting at.

He saw the boy's surprised look that looked identical to his. The boy had a sad and exhausted look on his face.

This memory sat deep in Taehyung's mind. It was stored away for a time that neither of the boys knew would come.

Both of the boy's muttered a song quietly.

The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Our happiness was meant to be
Cuz you love me, and I love you

This wasn't the only encounter the two boys had had unbeknownst.

A hospital 2014

Jimin entered the hospital planning to give him mother a visit. She wasn't sick she was just working there.

Jimin passed by many rooms on his way to the staff lounge but one room caught his attention. He heard a song. A pretty one, a familiar song that he couldn't place his finger on where it came from.

He looked over the room's door was wide open and he saw a boy around his age sitting by a lady. Jimin couldn't help but stay and listen to the beautiful tune.

The singing boy must've sensed the presence of Jimin and he looked over.

They stared at each other for a few moments.

Those two times were the only times Taehyung has sung since 2010. Since he was scolded by his father.

That day in the hospital he watched his mom die and spotted a strange boy who he didn't know would change his life.

Kim Brothers Entertainment  | | VMIN FANFICOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora