All Out of Love

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"Oh now, don't those dresses become you?"

Gharam, Maanah and Zaafira looked up as Maire-Fey walked into Rosalia's apartments that evening.

"Naturally these are just for now," Antoinette said from where she stood behind Zaafira with a maid, pointing out where she wanted some of the lace tightened, "But they'll do."

"How on earth to you tolerate these clothes back home?" Zaafira said in disgust, her hands to her corseted stomach.

"I'm made of sterner stuff than you," Marie-Fey said bluntly while smiling at Gharam who rushed over to show her the delicate baby-blue gown that had belonged to Rosalia.

"What do you think?" Gharam asked.

"It's perfect for your complexion," Marie-Fey said, neatly adjusting the low collar so the lace hem was even.

"Isn't it just?" Rosalia said, smiling as she joined them, "You must keep the gown, Gharam. It's perfect."

"What do you think? A similar shade in satin?" Marie-Fey asked.

"I was thinking a variety of silks," Rosalia replied, "To highlight her delicate stature."

"Well! Isn't this the nicest sight for a passing gentleman?" Constantine said as he pushed the door open, eyes scanning the ladies.

"Gentleman? Where?" Marie-Fey asked and he elbowed her before grinning at Maanah who's dress was a rich plum.

"Stunning," he said and Maanah smiled slightly, glancing away.

Marie-Fey elbowed him back and pushed him towards the door. "You leave her alone," she hissed.

"I haven't done anything, yet," Constantine said, grinning as he saluted goodbye to the women and allowed her to steer him from the room and down the hall.

"You have all of Town to ruin, and you spent the entire day with Ivy. You have her to torment before you mess with my ladies."

"I don't have Ivy, so I'm free to mess around with whomever I please," Constantine said, and his sudden forced brightness made her stop pushing him and step in line with him to look up at his face.

He smiled down at her; his bright eyes not quite as bright as usual.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Ivy's engaged as of last night," Constantine said with a dramatic shrug, striding on ahead of her, forcing her to hurry to keep up, "I always knew old Bayley would finally pluck up the nerve ask her. She told me when we took a turn around the garden after you left."

"Wait, wait," Marie-Fey said as they reached the main stairs, forcing him to stop as she got in front of him, lest he knock her down the stairs. "What are you saying? Ivy is marrying Markus Bayley?

"Fine young man, wouldn't you agree?" Constantine said, trying to side-step her but she got in the way.

"What do you mean she's marrying Bayley? She's been waiting for you to propose to her for years!"

Constantine snorted and started laughing at her. There was an uncomfortable broken undertone to the sound that Marie-Fey had never heard before and it sent chills up her spine.

"I ruined my reputation too long ago to suffer that on someone like her," he said, planting his hands on his hips and smiling down at Marie-Fey.

"B... but...!" Marie-Fey said, gaping. "But you wouldn't ruin her reputation! She's too special to you."

"Yes, but it would be ruined by association. She couldn't marry someone like me. The only person who could bring more shame down on this family for his behaviour would be Bel if his secret got out. I couldn't bring shame to her. It's sketchy enough just our friendship."

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