Chapter 4: And Now to The Weather

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Yuto P.O.V

I was sitting and eating breakfast in the hotel breakfast area. It was some hotel in Busan.

I had been planning on going by boat to Japan. The TV hanging on the wall was playing the news. No one else was in the breakfast area. "We talked about this story yesterday. The search continues for 20 year old Adachi Yuto. Yuto is a member of K-Pop group Pentagon. The search has been ongoing for a few days since Yuto fled from the hospital. If anyone has seen or heard from him they need to call the number on the screen. His family and friends are searching endlessly for him. We all hope for his safe return. And now to the weather."

I didn't know what to do before but then I knew. I couldn't leave for Japan. I would just have to wait it out and go back once I've wrapped my head around things.

Wooseok P.O.V

"You guys probably know why I called you here," Heejun said. "The comeback for Naughty Boy will be postponed for a month or until Yuto comes back, whichever happens first."

"What if he doesn't come back? We don't know why he ran. You guys won't tell us what happened at the hospital. It must've been something bad if he ran." I said angrily, "He is my best friend and roommate after all."

"We can't tell you what the doctor said because it's Yuto's private information. Just know that if he doesn't come back, you guys will have to finish preparing the album. It's not my fault that Yuto ran and I'm doing everything I can to fix it, but I can't bring him back." Heejun said, his levels of anger rising.

Just then his secretary walked in, "There is someone on line 2 with news about Yuto. He said it was urgent and that he would only speak to you." She said.

"Thanks," he said while picking up the phone sitting on the desk and pressing the button for line 2. He then put the phone on speaker. "Hello, who is this I'm speaking to?" He asked. (A/N Bold is the person on line 2. Normal is manager speaking. Italics is Wooseok's thoughts.)

"Wow," The familiar deep voice spoke on the other line, "you guys have been going all out trying to find me."

Yuto. It's Yuto. Where is he? Is he okay?

"Yuto, where are you?"

"A town."

"Are you coming back?"

"Probably but first I need to talk to you privately about what happened at the hospital."

His tone seems different from normal. It's laced with a fake type of confidence. He sounds like he wants to be confident but can't manage more than a fake version.

"We are talking privately."

"No we aren't. I know the phone is on speaker and all of the members are in your office. I can hear their hearts beating. I can hear them breathing."

Towards the end, his once confident facade seemed to start dropping. Now, he sounds like he could break at any point.

"P-pl-please help me."

He sounds like he's starting to cry. What happened to him? Where did my strong-willed gentle giant go? I want him back. The alpha in me for some reason just wanted to reach out and grab him. To pull him close and fix his problems.. but I shouldn't think about my friend like that.

"Yuto, I need to know where you are so that I can help you. Boys leave my office and head back to the dorm. I'll go get Yuto and bring him back."

{A/N Just a heads up this Author's Note is going to be weird because I'm trying to reach 666 words. Lort. I'm so close. I'm a good author this time because I technically did not end on a cliffhanger. Yay. ThIs HaS bEeN sHaRk RePoRtInG lIvE fRoM tHe AtLaNtIc OcEaN. DiNg! Love you 😘. P.S emojis aren't words. Sad)

The word sad was word 666. lol~\\\٩('^')۶////. I did it. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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