Chapter 2

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Well here I am at my new school. I head to the principles office. I see the secretary there.

"Hi I am the new transfer from America."

"Oh yes right this way."

So far so good. At least the staff seems nice so far.

"Welcome Taylor. I am Principle Kim Jae-hyuk. You can call me Mr.Kim. Chan-hee call Taehyun to the office he will show her around."

"Are you sure you want Taehyun to do it? He's a senior. She's a junior."

"Yes I do. She is taking mostly senior classes anyway, even though she is a junior. He also speaks English really well so he can help her with that if she needs translating."

"Yes sir."

"So Taylor I heard you are smart and that is why you are taking so many senior classes. Are you going to take college level classes next year?"

"Yes sir. That is the plan."

"Sir Taehyun is here to show her around." The secretary said.

"Hi I am Kang Taehyun."

"I speak Korean. You don't have to strain yourself. I'm Taylor by the way."

"Ok. So shall we start this tour?"


So I didn't expect him to be this nice considering he is an idol. Yes I know he is an idol. Kpop is my favorite music genre but I won't worship him like a god. He is a human being.

"So where are you from?"

"A small town in Oklahoma. It's in the states you wouldn't know it."

"Oklahoma? I heard they get bad tornados all year round."

"We don't get them all year round it's mostly in May. Ever since a really bad tornado hit a town in 2013 May has had quite a reputation. Also how did you know about tornados? I thought us okie's were the only ones who knew about it. I didn't know the bad info travelled all the way too Korea."

"I had to do a project about interesting facts about the united states last year in history. I have to say Oklahoma caught my attention. Anyway why did you say you thought only you okie's knew about it?"

"Other states don't show us much attention. Oklahoma can barely afford teachers. It's a pretty poor state, but it's home. I miss it."

"I bet you do. So here we are this is your first class. Also we have a few classes together so I will see you in next class."

"See you."

Well that went better than I thought it would. I thought he would be mean. Then again that would make him a hypocrite. Huening Kai is from another country. So maybe that forces him to be nice to me. Dang. Wait if Taehyun is here then Kai and Beomgyu must be here also. Great more famous faces. Of all schools my parent's could've picked I have to go to school with idols. Well then again it's not like they knew. I don't have anything against TXT members its just the press might find out what school they go to and show up. I don't like people very much. Welp into my next class I go here goes nothing.

Taehyun x ocWhere stories live. Discover now