Chapter 7

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"Hey what are y'all waiting for?"

"You obviously. Come on we have to go to chemistry." Kai says.

"Taylor can I talk to you at lunch?"

"Sure Taehyun, but you do realize we can talk about it in our other classes before lunch right?"

"I don't want anyone to hear what we are saying."

"Ok. I have to go see you later."


I leave with Kai as Beomgyu turns to Taehyun.

"You are gonna tell her aren't you?"

"No. I am gonna ask her how to ask a girl out."

"Why? So you can get her opinion on how to ask her out?"

"Yes. That is the plan."

"Ok. Come on we have to get to class. The sooner we get to class the sooner you can ask her out."

"Whatever floats your boat."

Time skip to lunch.

"Come on Taylor. Lets go to the roof. No one goes up there."


We walk to the roof. I am kinda confused what he wants to talk about. It's just gonna be the two of us up there. I get butterfly's in my stomach. I wonder what he wants to talk about.

"Let's speak in English so if someone does come out here they won't understand what we are saying."

"Ok. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"There is this girl I want to ask out but I don't know how to ask her."

I'm kinda disappointed, but I couldn't expect him to fall for me. I am about as country as country girls get. I don't think I can be considered a proper lady. What am I rambling about? I hate the word lady and I won't change for him. Especially to get him to like me. If he likes me for some reason then he will have to like the country/redneck side of me.

"Well if she is anything like me then be straight forward and ask her. But if she is a proper lady then be more formal."

"What makes you think you are not a proper lady?"

"I'm about as redneck as redneck gets in America. I hate skirts and dresses. I can't stand fancy talk. I say y'all to my family all the time, and I prefer cowboy boots over heels. I can't stand sports cars. I prefer trucks."

"What doe y'all mean?"

"It means you all. So what are you gonna do about this girl?"

"Ok here goes. Taylor will you go on a date with me?"

I just about had a heart attack. I can't believe he asked me.

"Yes I will go on a date with you. But we need to keep this lowkey."

"Ok. We should probably go to class."

"Yeah. Oh and when are we going on our date?"

"Right after school. We have the day off. So I will be taking you to get dinner."

"Please tell me it's not fancy."

"No its not. All the fancy places are too expensive."

"Ok because I don't know how to eat at a fancy place. The fanciest we have where I'm from is red lobster. It's not that fancy either. It's good though."

Time skip to after school.

"So you're telling me he asked you on a date?" Bong-soon said kinda surprised.

"Yeah. I have to go see you later."

"See you brace face."

"Is she all ways that mean to you?"

"She just calls me brace face when I have an orthodontist appointment soon."

"Ok. Let's get going. I know a really good diner."

"Ok. My fate is in your hands."

"Ok. It's not to far away from here."

Taehyun x ocWhere stories live. Discover now