Chapter 10

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"Bong-soon I am a little confused about something."

"What is it?"

"How did Bang PD nim know I was dating Taehyun?"

"I can't lie. He asked me and I told him the truth."

"Ok. I'm not mad. I was just confused because Beomgyu told me Bang PD nim tried to convince Si-hyuk to let me date Taehyun. I had to audition to see if I get in. If I get in I can be with him."

"So that's why you are looking at your computer as if your life depends on it. They probably said they would send you an email."

"That is exactly what they said. Oh look here is the email from bighit!!!"

I read it.

Dear Taylor Alfred

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to bighit entertainment. We hope you will have an exiting journey along the way. Here is your schedule and who you will be working with. Thank you for auditioning and congratulations. sincerely bighit.

"I got in! Oh no. How will I tell mom?"

"Take your own advice and be honest. I did and I wasn't thrown out."


I walk downstairs to the living room where my mom is sitting.

"Mom I have to tell you something really important."

"Ok honey what is it?"

"I auditioned to bighit entertainment."

"Ok and?"

"I got in"

"That's great honey. I am so proud of you. You were always into being an Idol."

"Thanks mom."

I walk back upstairs to my room.

"How is she so chill?"

"I have no freakin clue. Why do you ask me?"

"I don't know. I have to make a call to one of my friends. I will be on my balcony if you need me."


I walk onto my balcony. I go to contacts on my phone and I find Kai.


"Kai I got in. Don't tell Taehyun I want to surprise him."

"He will be so happy. I will tell the others and tell them not to tell him. Also he will be at school tomorrow. He really wants to talk to you."

"Ok I will tell him tomorrow. Does he know I auditioned?"

"No, but he knows you would have to audition and get in to date him."

"Ok well those are both checked off of that list."

"Ok see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow"

We hung up. So I am gonna tell him tomorrow. I can't wait to see his reaction.

Taehyun x ocWhere stories live. Discover now