4// home again

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When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew

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When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.

Sodas POV
We were finally home. Paisley had slept the whole way there. I carried her into the house, and told Pony to sleep in Darry's chair, and I slept on the couch so she could sleep in my bed. I kissed her forehead before leaving, and placed a note on my nightstand.
Didn't want to wake you. Hope you slept well :)
- Soda
Time skip to next morning
The gang was coming over this morning. We were gonna play football all day like usual Saturdays.
Paisley and I woke up at the same time. She decided to stay and watch us play.
The boys and I were all running and Johnny had scored a touch down. After that we decided to take a break. I was drinking my water, with my shirt that I had taken off hanging over my shoulder.
I walked over to Paisley and tried to hug her to annoy her because I was sweaty.
"Ewww no you're gross!!" She squealed. After a few seconds of fighting me off, our faces ended up so close together that I would touch her if I even tried to talk.
We were about to kiss. I slowly closed my eyes.
We didn't kiss though because a sudden yell filled my ears.
"Tag, you're it!!" She yelled, punching my arm.
I ran after her. She was quick, but for some reason it seemed like she was purposely going slow. I grabbed her waist and turned her around, slamming my lips onto hers.
We stayed like that for a minute. The only thing that broke the kiss was both of us smiling. I looked into her eyes. The only thing going through my mind was "maybe I shouldn't have done that". But then she pulled me into another kiss. Her hands were around my neck and mine were around her waist. We broke apart and smiled.
"Sooooo" I said
"Soooooo" She mocked.
"I wanna do that more often"
"Me too"
We both laughed. I wasn't sure if she was ready for anything serious.

Paisleys POV
Soda kissed me!!!
I kissed him
We kissed TWICE!!!
My stomach was doing flips. I was so happy that I could probably cry. He didn't ask me out though. I was gonna let him do that job. Because I was afraid it wasn't actually what he wanted. That maybe I was just a fling for him.
I went back to watch the boys as they resumed playing football. Soda scored a touchdown and I cheered. He looked at me and smiled and winked. I blushed back and looked at the ground. After the boys were done playing, Soda came up to me. He was sweaty and his hair was a mess. But frankly it looked pretty hot. "Hey slugger" I said to him, putting my hands in his hair to fix it. Soda is about a whole foot taller than me, so he bent down to let me fix his hair. "One of these days, I'll have to take you boys down to the field to play softball!" I said. "That would be amazing! Ponyboys girlfriend plays softball!" He told me. "Really? I'll have to meet her" I giggled. "She lives here, but she's been at school and she plays volleyball too, so she's pretty much only here at night." He told me. "What about Dallys girlfriend? She play any sports?"
"Nope. She works with me at the DX. She's outta town visiting her grandparents." He explained to me.
We all went inside and sat in the living room.
Soda sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I leaned into his chest and snuggled him. After about 20 minutes, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Soda and the boys were still talking.
"Ahhh she's up!!" Soda said.
"How long was I out for?"
"Only half an hour"
"Oh okay." I said with my head still on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast. This boy was driving me crazy.
At about 10pm, I told everyone that I had to go home. "You need a ride?" Soda asked me.
We hopped back into his truck and I headed home.  The song that we were singing during the road trip came on. I was sitting next to Soda, and he kept glancing over at me, making him smile every time I did something.
"Do I have something on my face?"
"No you just look real pretty."
"Thank you Soda...." I said blushing hard.
We pulled into my drive way.
"Bye Soda." I said getting out of the car, but I was stopped by someone grabbing my leg and pulling me back.
Somehow, Soda had maneuvered me to where I was sitting on his lap facing him. I put my hands on his cheeks and stared into his eyes.
"I said goodbye Soda" I giggled.
"But you forgot the goodbye kiss"
And with that, he leaned in and kissed me.
It got a little heated, but I had to go.
"See ya tomorrow" I said shutting the door. He rolled down his window, and right before I walked in the house, I heard
"Okay" I yelled back.
"I'll pick you up at noon!!" He yelled, rolling up his window. I walked into the house and went to bed, with Sodapop Curtis on my mind.

   I woke up the next morning and put on my work uniform, along with Sodas flannel. I grabbed my purse and walked outside. As soon as I stepped onto my porch, I heard Sodas truck engine from down the road. He pulled up a few seconds later. I hopped in the truck. He looked like he'd been crying.
"What's wrong Soda?"
"Oh nothing"
"Soda, you can tell me"
"I used to date a girl named Sandy. I really loved her. She got pregnant and had me convinced it was mine, but we never... ya know?"
"Yeah well.... she had her baby...."
"It's okay Soda, I'm here. You didn't deserve that."
"No that's not why I'm sad. Actually im not sad... im angry. She called me early this morning and asked me if she could put MY name on the birth certificate."
"Now that's just stupid" I tried to find the right words to say. I hated when he talked about Sandy.
"Yeah she's bringing back all of the pain she caused me..."
"It's okay Soda... I'm here now. You got me... forever and always"
"Yeah Sodapop?"
"I really like you."
"Yeah Paisley?"
"I really like you more" I told him.
He giggled and pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks Paisley" He said
"Anytime" I replied.
"Will you be my girlfriend? I really would like to make it official"
My heart exploded.
"Yeah Soda, that sounds pretty great!" I replied.
He drove me to work, and I was in the best mood ever the whole day.

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