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You're kinda, sorta, always, basically on on my mind

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You're kinda, sorta, always, basically on on my mind.

Sodas POV
Paisley picked me up from work yesterday. It was something different, but she was off of work and bored. Today, I was picking her up from work. We sat down and I handed her one of her t shirts to put on over her Dingo uniform. We got coffees and sat down to talk. I pulled out my phone a snapped a picture of her.

 I pulled out my phone a snapped a picture of her

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Paisley was real pretty. Her T-shirt was over sized and flowery. I just grabbed a random one out of her closet.
We finished up our coffee and got into my truck.
"Wanna ho somewhere and watch the sunset?" I asked her.
"Sounds amazing Soda." She sighed.
"You okay?"
"Rough day at work. Boss was in a mood." She explained. I drove to a different spot than where we usually watch the sunset. It was on top of a big hill at the edge of town. It was kinda in the middle of nowhere, and when you were up there you could see the whole town. We sat in the back of the truck on the tailgate with our legs hanging of if the edge.
There was a huge rock right below our feet that we could rest our feet on.
Paisley was quickly tapping her foot. I grabbed her knee to calm her down.
"You wanna talk?" I asked her.
"No, but I will..." she carried in.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm always here with open ears." I told her.
"Some Socs came in today and said that I was an ugly worthless whore. It just really got to me I guess" she sighed.
"Babygirl you are far from worthless... you are my world." I explained moving my hand up her thigh. She scooted closer to me. I put my hand on the small of her back and jumped off of the tailgate. I put my hands behind her knees and scoffed her to the very edge of the tail gate. Paisley wrapped her legs around my waist and I leaned in and kissed her. It got really heated and after a while, we both decided that it was time to do the deed. So we did. In the back of a truck...
Hahaha I cackled writing that😂 did the deed... sorry y'all I had to. I cringed writing it so I wouldn't blame ya if you cringed reading it!!

Paisleys POV
Soda laid down beside me when we were done.
"Did we just?"
"Yep" he answered before I finished my sentence.
"That was" I was cut off again.
"Amazing" He said.
Once again... ewwww
I put my pants back on and we got into the truck. Soda didn't take his hand off of my leg the whole ride home. I had a smile plastered on my face for the rest of the night. We pulled into his house, and Soda ripped off his shirt immediately because it was hot.
"OH MY GOD!!!!" The gang that was on the right half of the room yelled.
"What?" Soda asked turning around with his back towards Dally.
"Soda got laid!!!!" Dallas yelled.
My face turned bright pink as I stared at the scratch marks on his back, and the 2 hickeys on his neck.
Soda just laughed real hard and grabbed my arm, pulling me into his room. We were both laughing our asses off. He shut the door behind us and spun me around and kissed me.
"Thanks for tonight beautiful" he said, picking me up and hugging me.
"I love you" I said to him. He replied and we went to bed.
Sodas POV
6 week time skip
I woke up to get ready to pick Paisley up and go to work. She wanted to come keep me company today. When I pulled into her house, she trudged out of her house with a bad posture and dragging her feet. She had bags under her eyes.
"You okay?" I asked holding open the car door for her.
"Yeah I didn't sleep hardly at all last night. My stomach kept fucking cramping." She told me.
"Oh are you getting ready to..." I didn't finish the sentence.
"Die? Yeah" she said making me giggle. I held her hand and we pulled into the DX. I walked over and grabbed her a chair. After about an hour, someone pulled in to get gas. She walked over to the car with me while I pumped it. The smell of gasoline filled the air. Paisley closed her eyes and threw her head back. After a second, she ran off. When she came back, she had mint gum in her mouth and her hair was in a ponytail.
"Did you just throw up?" I asked her.
"Yeah... Johnny had a stomach bug last week and I think I caught it..." she explained to me.
"Maybe I should take you home" I suggested.
"That sounds nice."
I finished up the last few customers and told Steve to take over. We got to my house and she lay down in my bed. I got Paisley some medicine and some water. She drank the water. Pony was going out to god knows where, but he walked into the room and sprayed on cologne.
Paisley got a whiff of it, and ran out of the room. I chased after her. She started to throw up, so I pulled back her hair and got her a cold rag. "Hope I don't catch whatever you got." I said to her. "Yeah this sucks." She said, sitting in the floor and leaned against the wall. Darry got home and walked past the bathroom. He smelled like new wood and sweat. It was very faint.
Paisley smelled it, gagged and threw up again. She didn't have anything left in her stomach, so she was just dry heaving. I felt horrible for her. I picked her up and gave her more medicine that hopefully she wouldn't throw it up this time.

Paisleys POV
I was pregnant. I knew I was. I was gonna take a test tonight, but I had not one clue when I'd tell Soda. His ex was pregnant and it wasn't his. What if he thought it wasn't his? He was my first. And my only. I bought the tests and went home. My phone lit up and i had a text from Soda.
"Going to Bucks with Dally. I Love you baby❤️" it read. I took 3 different test, and sat them on the bathroom counter. I sat on the floor and threw up. My timer went off. It was time to look.
Test one - negative.
I took a huge sigh of relief until I noticed that these were the cheap tests.
I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe it....
Test two - positive.
I felt tears fall down my cheeks.
Test three - positive.
I'm pregnant. Oh god...
I'm only sixteen!!! What am I gonna do?
I balled my eyes out and soon or later, I screamed out of pure anger and disappointment at myself. Johnny ran in. I told him everything. "I won't tell a soul... living or dead Pais... I'm here for you." He said to me. Johnny and I were pretty close now that he lived with me. And I hope that didn't change any time soon...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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