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Virgil was sat on the couch hugging his knees and worrying. When Patton phoned his voice sounded off... He immediately suspected that it was Deceit imitating Patton but Roman and Logan told him that it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him. He wanted to believe his boyfriends but he had a really bad feeling... Deceit wasn't to be trusted! He had tried to warn Patton but Patton has reassured him that it was fine but there was a strange look in his eyes when he came home the other day after visiting Deceit. Patton had been scared and upset but he denied it when the others questioned it.

Suddenly Virgil was hugged and he snapped out of his thoughts. Logan gently pulled Virgil onto his lap and kissed the top of his head. Logan was never affectionate unless he was tired or half awake or he knew the others had a rough day or night. He sighed softly and cuddled into Logan's chest as the logical side held him close. His tired sounding but still calm voice broke the silence "Did you sleep last night? You look exhausted..." Virgil quietly chuckled "I'm always tired and... no  I didn't... I have a bad feeling Lo..." Logan hummed in response as he kept hugging the anxious side "I know Virgil... but I am sure everything is fine..."

"What's fine?" Roman sat next to them and cuddled up to them with two cups of coffee and a hot chocolate as well as a blanket. Seeing as Patton wouldn't be home for a few days they decided to just cuddle. He passed the two coffees to his boyfriends and covered them all with the warm blanket. Logan smiles slightly "We were just talking about Patton..." Roman sighed and sipped his hot chocolate "I don't like it that he's dating Deceit but he refuses to see the bad in him... It will get him hurt one day..." Virgil nodded in agreement as he drank his coffee "That's what I'm worried about! What if Deceit kills Patton in order to take his place?!" Logan held him closer and Roman rested one of his hands on Virgil's knee to keep him calm "He will be alright... He's coming home in two days. We must wait and then we can ask him what happened... I just hope they won't-"

Roman cut him off "They already have. Patton told me. He came home in a panic when you two were out. He didn't know what to do. He sounded scared Lo... He said that he didn't want to but Deceit had asked him multiple times and practically got down on his knees begging him... He's too easy to persuade..." Virgil tensed as Roman spoke. His worst fears were confirmed.

They both could feel Logan shaking slightly but they couldn't tell if he was angry or upset. It was probably a mix of both. They both knew Logan was fiercely protective of Patton, sometimes more than the others. Patton was so small and easy to manipulate that they felt like they needed to protect him. He was the youngest out of them surprisingly which led them to treating him like a child. Logan growled quietly "I'll kill that snake if he's hurt Patton..." Roman looked up at him "Logan calm down... Getting angry won't solve anything..." Logan sighed and nodded, knowing what Roman said was true. He drank his coffee and passed it to Virgil who put both their cups down on the coffee table. Roman smiled "that's decaf by the way. I figured that we all need to sleep..." Logan and Virgil nod as they both cuddled up to Roman and started to drift off. Roman put his own, now empty, cup on the table and he fell

~Moceit - Trust in me ~ ON BREAK UNTIL FUTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now