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It had been two weeks.

Roman and Logan were furious and trying their best to get to Deceits house but nothing they tried worked. Virgil was sick from worry and panic so they left him in bed. Roman and Logan were now talking over their next and final plan they had managed to come up with. If this didn't work, they didn't know if they would ever get Patton back... They didn't dwell on this thought though, instead trying to keep their hopes up though it got increasingly difficult as more time passed. They had tried multiple times to call Patton but every time it went straight to voicemail until one day when they tried to text and phone, their messages wouldn't go through. Patton, or rather Deceit, had blocked them...

Logan sighed in frustration as he wrote down some things. He just wanted to hug Patton again. He cared a lot about him and he and Virgil and Roman were going to offer him a place in their polyamorous relationship but Deceit got to him and asked him out before they got a chance.

Roman suddenly got up and cheered "I have the perfect plan!" He quickly explained the idea and they ran out the house with a very tired Virgil to try it.

It went as they hoped as they got past the guards and into Deceits house. It was eerily silent and still, like no one had been their for days... They started to silently look around for any sign of Patton but all they found was his coat, scarf and beanie.

As Virgil was looking he found a door that was locked. It had the key in it though. He hesitantly turned the key and snuck inside silently. As he walked down the stairs of the basement, he stared in shock horror at the terrible sight in front of him.

Patton was hanging from chains and handcuffs on the wall. He was passed out and there was a pool of blood underneath him. His clothing was ripped and bloody as well as stained with water.

Virgil didn't get closer as he slightly backed away and called out to Logan and Roman. They quickly ran down the stairs and stared in worry and fear at Patton. Guilt and anger filled them. They were all going to kill Deceit when they found him.

After a few seconds, that felt like hours ticked by, quiet coughing filled the silence. Roman ran to Patton and unchained him. He fell to the floor but Logan caught him and held him bridal style. They quickly ran out of the house and back home. When they arrived, they took Patton up to his room and laid him in the soft bed. They gently tucked him in and didn't leave his side as they waited patiently for him to wake up. After an hour or two, no one was counting, not even Logan, Pattons eyes fluttered open.

He was smothered and overwhelmed by warmth and the familiar smell of old books, ink and coffee. He was back home..! But he didn't want to speak or move, too scared that it might all be a dream. Roman gently and carefully brushed some of Pattons grey hair out of his face "Hey Padre.." Romans voice slightly broke as he teared up. Roman was so angry and relieved that it made him emotionally exhausted... Patton let out a choked sob as he tried to sit up but Logan gently stopped him "You're too weak Patton..." Patton whimpered and softly spoke "P-please don't tell me this is a dream..." Virgil held his hand gently and tried not to cry "It's not Patton... We're here... You're safe now, I promise..." Roman smiled softly and sadly as they did their best to comfort the small side. They didn't know how much longer he would last... His eyes started to shut but he desperately tried to keep them open. Virgil begged him to stay awake as Logan went silent and Roman held him close but he was too tired... Falling asleep seemed so nice...

Logan got up and started to pace. He felt so guilty. If he had listened to Virgil and gone to try and find Patton straight away then maybe Patton would have a fighting chance! But no... he fucked up.

Virgil sobbed as Pattons eyes closed. He couldn't lose Patton... He already lost him once and now he was going to lose him again...

Romans face paled as Patton slipped out of consciousness. He started to cry as he cradled the small moral side in his arms. He was so thin... and cold... and grey... he wasn't himself... Patton deserved to live a long life! But Deceit had stopped that...

~Moceit - Trust in me ~ ON BREAK UNTIL FUTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now