Jake - February 7

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Oh, how I wish I had had the guts to tell K how much I'd like to see her again today before leaving for New Zealand, but I feel like that would be too much. We have just met. No need to scare her away.

I grab a bag and put some clothes and my toothbrush inside. I swing one of my guitars over my shoulder and make my way to the kitchen where the guys are playing some drinking game on the counter.

"So, I'm going to my brothers' and off to New Zealand after that. I guess I'll see you guys in a couple days," I say before leaving.

"Actually, Bran and I are heading back home today. So, see you next time you come to Australia, homie."

"Yeah, thanks for taking the time to go surf with us, you rock star," Bran says with a smirk as he gets closer to push my shoulder.

While I'm fully aware that I'm in no position to complain about my reality, I can certainly say that these guys are living the dream. Both of them are very talented musicians, so they work as music teachers during the school year in the north of Australia and then, during the summer, they travel all around the country. They play small gigs every now and then just to be able to keep their heads above water and, for as long as the summer lasts, all they care about is surfing. They go from one beach to another, looking for the perfect wave.

I met them last year in New York, a few months before they moved to Australia. We became close friends very quickly and understood one another as if we were childhood friends but I just couldn't get what the whole surfing obsession was about. That is until I came here. When I told them I'd be staying in St Kilda for a week, they were surprised. Such a tiny town. They had never been here but they loved the idea. In no time, they had rented this apartment and the van and had even invited a friend.

"We know you are probably staying at the most classy place in town, but you are welcome here anytime," they said when I first visited them at the apartment a few days ago.

I did not hesitate. I went back to the hotel that night and moved all my not-Greta stuff to their place. Josh was a bit upset.

"You choose your friends over your family," he complained. After I rolled my eyes he turned his back to me and, with a dramatic tone of voice, he told me that he could live without me because, after all, he was adult half of us. I chuckled and hugged him before leaving.

I caught the surfing bug in a second and a half. Until the moment we met Katie and her friends, we only stopped surfing when we had to eat or sleep. As soon as the sun was up, we were at the beach, boards under our arms, ready to paddle towards a wave. I don't mean to sound cocky, but I learned fast. Clive, the guys' self-centered friend, taught me the basics. He also asked me to be careful because he didn't want to waste his time in the hospital. That was it. I was riding waves straightaway.

"Anytime," I laugh as Bran pushes my shoulder. "What about you, Clive? Are you leaving too?"

"Na-ah. I'm spending these days with Abby. We rented this shithole till Monday anyways."

Prick. If I had known that Tom and Bran were heading back home already, I would have moved my things back to the hotel this morning. Now, I'll have to come back on Sunday for them. There's no escaping that. I'm not leaving any pair of boots behind, especially not with Clive. "Guess I'll see you on Sunday, then."

He shrugs and I feel like punching him. Breathe in, Jake. I thank Tom and Bran for coming to St Kilda just to spend some time with me and hug them quickly. I wave at Clive as I'm leaving the kitchen. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, Sam is waiting for me. He grabs my bag. As we walk to the car he tells me the news: a doctor is examining Josh's vocal chords. He has only gotten worse since I last saw him.

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