Jake - February 9

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With all the travelling that going on tour brings about, I've grown used to waking up in unfamiliar beds. This time, however, it's different. I don't hate it. Until I do. I try to sit up but I feel my head spinning wildly and my stomach twirling. I have no idea where I am or where the closest toilet is. I decide to lie back again, taking deep breaths of fresh air with every move. When I regain control of my body, I notice the smell of pancakes. My stomach growls in response.

I manage to push the covers out of the way, move my legs to my left and slowly raise my torso until I'm sitting on the edge of the bed. Everything appears to be under control. I glance down and see a pair of blue slippers on the rug so carefully arranged one next to the other that I suspect someone has left them there for me. I make my way out of the room and down what I now recognize as Katie's stairs. Pictures of yesterday come back to me in flashes - the shark, the beers, the never-ending walk. I don't remember stepping into her house, though. Let alone getting into her bed. Wait a second... was it her bed?

"Hello, there." Katie beams from behind the kitchen counter as soon as she sees me.

"Hey," I say as I try to figure out the expression in her eyes. Josh always says it's easy to fake smiles while looks, on the other hand, speak for themselves.

"They fit you!" She points to the blue slippers.

"Oh, they do. Was it you?"

Katie looks around as if she has lost something, implying that there is no one in the house except for us. I feel relieved.

"Thank you," I say. "And sorry, I guess."


"Yeah, I don't know. I don't remember much. I can leave if you want."

"What?! Could you please behave like a normal guy for a day?" Ouch. That hurt. She looks genuinely frustrated. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Jake. If you can't remember, why don't you just ask? I feel like whenever we take a step forward we-"

I cut her off abruptly. "Forward? What exactly happened last night?"

"OH, no, no, NO. Nothing happened. We got to my room, you saw my bed and belly-flopped on it straightaway. You were asleep in a split second, clothes on. Even shoes on. I had to take them off for you."

I look down at my clothes as if checking that they are still there. Stupid me. I'm still in my wetsuit. "Uhm, yeah. Should have noticed." I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "So, the... step forward?"

"I just meant that you were so talkative and... lovey-dovey."

I chuckle. She must be the only person to use that word in real life. "That was the beer talking. And the... other thing... probably the beer too."

"Well, no steps forward, then. You know the way out. Half your stuff is in a plastic bag behind my bedroom door, the other half is in your car. It's still at the beach in case you don't remember that either." She is upset. Sometimes there is no need to read the eyes.

I don't speak. I don't move.

"Well?" she says.

I keep thinking of excuses to stay but nothing comes up. Time travelling methods seem out of reach, too. Maybe an apology would actually be suitable now.

"Jake, I can't do this if you won't cooperate. I know we've met only a couple of days ago and I don't want to force you to do or say anything you don't feel. I just want you not to take back what you did do and say."

"I... I was drunk." Great. I screwed up again.

"I know. Meg says that drunk people and children always tell the truth. I think you meant the things you said last night but if I'm wrong or you'd rather not own up to them, fine by me. Just go grab your stuff and get going so I can eat my pancakes."

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