Chapter 11

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"I want to help!" Rose called after her sister, "you can't, not after what you've been through", Maria replied, whilst collecting various things she needed for her plan to get Robin to help us. "But Loveday said we needed to work together", Rose added, "well Loveday isn't here", Maria continued. "Just because Loveday isn't here, doesn't mean her word isn't right. You and I are the Moon and Forest Princesses, in order for the curse to be broken, we need to work together!" 

Maria saw sense in this, it was just like the other day at Loveday's home, except the sisters positions have swapped. "Alright", Maria gave in, 'but even if you are coming, how are you going to move about on those crutches, you're still very week!", Maria gave an excellent point. 

"I believe I can help with that", the girls spun round to see Marmaduke holding a little vile with golden liquid in it. "This is a secret recipe, it will give you strength for a short while, maybe just enough for you to complete your mission, it will take away most of the pain, so you'll just be able to manage on that foot of yours princess", Marmaduke exclaimed. "You're a genius!", Rose cheered and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

About an hour later, the girls were packed and on their horses. Maria on Periwinkle and Rose on Orion. Just then Miss Heliotrope came running up, "my dears, my dears!" She cried, "Miss Heliotrope you can't stop us", Maria replied, not wanting to be delayed any further. "Oh no I just came to wish you luck, I believe in you both", Miss Heliotrope said, whilst clutching the two girls hands. 

Maria and Rose set off back into the forest, to find the curly haired De Noir boy. "Good luck", Rose heard the others call. The forest was finally starting to seem familiar in some places, they travelled for a good 15 mins before they decided to set up their trap. "Lets go over the plan one last time," Rose suggested once everything was finished. "So you will hide behind the tree ready to release the rope, and I will do the talking", Rose finished, just wanting to be sure. 

Sooner then about 5 minutes of waiting, they heard Robin strut up to Serena, he looked around, confused, knowing he didn't set the trap. That was Rose's que, she stood out from behind the tree, Robin smirked, "princess giving yourself up are you?". Rose smiled sweetly at him, before shouting "now Maria!" Maria released the rope, which went round Robins feet, dangling him, upside down from the tree. 

"Let me down you little witch!" Robin called angrily."Certainly", Rose said, whilst picking up his dagger, and going over to the rope. "Oh no don't you dare!" he shouted, realising he would fall on his head if she did. "No?" Maria laughed, as Robin struggled with the rope, he continued moaning and crying out things about his feet. Maria went over to Serena to set her free, whilst Rose got up closer to Robin. "Argh, this is really hurting, I can feel my head swelling!" He called, Rose laughed and said, "oh no, it was like that before", Robin, whined desperately. "I will let you down if you do one thing for us", Rose started, "What?", Robin quickly questioned. "Just promise you'll listen", Robin looked at her with confusion. "Say I Promise", Rose continued, "just say it", she finally raised her voice for. 

" I promise, alright you beat me, will you let me down now?!" Robin said with annoyance. "Very well", Rose replied, and cut the rope holding Robin up. He crashed down with a bang, that must of hurt.  Robin turned to run at Rose, but she held his dagger at him, and Wrolf came running up to protect her, "what about him?", Robin asked, whilst pointing nervously at Wrolf. "You're a De Noir, he very probably will hurt you", Maria replied with a laugh. Robin made a face at her, and Rose chucked him the knife. Robin turned and sat down on a wooden trunk, and straightened his bowler hat, "I'm listening", he mumbled. 

Rose and Maria explained the whole story of the forrest and moon princess to Robin, in hopes that it will persuade him. However once they finished he got up and started walking away, "bye", he said, "Robin please", Rose called out. "I said I would listen and I have," he shrugged and turned around again. Rose ran up to him, "Robin you have to help us, you have too", she cried, and he turned round and grabbed her arms, "you are a Merryweather!" he exclaimed, their faces inches apart, however he let her go when Wrolf started barking. "Right now I ought to kill you...and your sister", Robin stated, before turning away, "kill us and the whole valley dies with us, your choice!" Rose called, Robin stopped in his tracks. "We only have until moonrise, tonight!" She finished while walking past him with Maria, "I'm still listening", he called. 


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