Chapter 13 : Kidnapping

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Soarin POV
Day 12
6.00 am

Today me and Dash have practice but she still sleep. Luckily I bought a new alarm clock so she could wake up but I bet she might get annoyed because alarm clock. Come on, I know her so we'll, she hate alarm clock. Is that true, guys?

Yesterday I have trouble sleeping after I chat with Dash . I just stress and feel uneasy when I heard ' betrayed ' . It make my heart shaking. Suddenly I feel like I'm going to cry so I ran to quiet place that no one can saw me crying. It going to ruin my reputation if someone saw .

Suddenly I someone tapped my shoulder. " Bro ? " He said . I turn around saw Rapidfire with guilty face and I'm not fucking care because he are the one who make me like this! " What do you want, Rapid ?" I ask. " I'm just want to day sorry about dare. Maybe you should stop . " He said . Suddenly I mad at him " What the fuck dude?! Is easy for you to say because I'm the one doing the dare! And I'm going to have a huge trouble because I betrayed someone that I like! Urgh forget it! We can't turn back this dumb dare! I'm leaving! " I said then I push him to the side so I could walk.  The last work I heard from Rapidfire is " BRO, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! " I ignore it.

Then I decided to fly and I saw a beautiful garden so I land at the garden to enjoy of beauty scenery of this garden. I smile. ' One day I will brought you to this beautiful garden ' I thought. Then I have an idea! ' Wait a minute, of course I can bring her in here maybe I could ask her to go date with me. And I make surprise for her I bet she likes it. ' I thought again .

I smile ' good idea Soarin . ' Then suddenly someone close my mouth I jump try to escape this grip but someone hold me too tight so I blacked out.

A few minutes later......

I heard evil laughing and I think I recognize that voice . Is Cherry and Rosey. I open my eyes slowly. " Oh goody your awake! " Cherry said. " Cherry! Rosey?? What happen?! " I yell. " I'm sorry I have to do this. " Cherry said. " CHERRY! " I yell her name.

[Music Played....]

Cherry : I never meant to call you out.
I've always seen behind your smoke and mirrors
( Soarin : Cherry let me go! )
Oh, sweetheart, please don't yell at me,
Rosey : It really isn't hard to see, the truth that's rotting underneath.

Cherry : Why weren't you honest from the start?
You know, I've always thought she must have liked you.
She's just a temptress, don't you know?
She'll say she loves you, even though,
she only wants to steal your soul.

I'll save you.

You said you'd always be my friend.
That we'd get married when we both got older,
I'd never heard those words before,
You made me long for something more,
but then she tried to steal your love.

What's with that look?
Do you really think I'm out of line tonight?
( Soarin: Dash * upset, whisper * )
If you play my game,
She may just make it out alive.

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