Chapter 2

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(I decided to put both parts of chapter 2 together because I was annoyed with having two segments for one chapter. It might be longer than you're used to, so feel free to read at your own pace. <3)

You wake up to being attached to a glowing purple wall, where your body feels stiff and inevitably exhausted.

It doesn't take long for your eyes to open and realize something is missing; something is wrong about your location and scenario.

The slick (h/c) tail on the back of your neck twitches; attempting to free you from the back of the wall.

You remember your tail forming from the radiation of Dune, which was so effective because of how long you lived there with Lina. Lina grew pointy bullish horns due to the desert planet's radiation. You realize what's the matter.

"Lina? Lina? Oh my God LINA!!!" You cry out anxiously; recalling all of the times she was there for you.

"(Y/N) when times are tough, just remember, wherever you are, I'm here for you. Everything is going to be okay. I'll be there to comfort you, and make everything better. I am always going to have your back. Nothing can keep us apart for long. No one can separate me from my partner in crime."

Her supportive yet strict voice filled your head so clearly. The day she beat up a mercenary who almost killed you for your special (f/c) necklace from Earth at the local pub.

It was at least five miles away from the shack. From your home, and you just saw him that day lunging at you because he wanted the money for your jewelry. You refused to give something with so much sentimentality away.

You two crowed at the sight of his head twisted around to the back of his neck, his crotch bleeding. As dark as it was, you loved how serious Lina was about taking care of, encouraging and protecting you.

"Promise me (Y/N) that no matter what happens, you will always remember me. When I die, you will have me in your heart somewhere. Like your best friend. Like your sister. Like-" You kissed her forehead and gave Lina the biggest hug you could.

"How can you say that!" You recall yourself giggling. "I could never forget you, Lina."

After that you two left the pub and headed to the shack; where you never thought you could be captured the way you are now.

"LINA!" You shriek fearfully; praying for an answer. You call her name one more time before bawling against the wall you were trapped from. "Li-i-i-i-i-na..." You sniffle sorrowfully; anticipating someone's arrival.

A half varga later...

A half-Galran woman, about your age, with short purple hair and light purple skin. frowns at the sight of your sobbing. Her Elf like ears stiffen as she takes out a cloth empathetically and wipes your eyes dry with it. You hiss at the hospitality compared to your captured state. "Who-where-" "Who are you calling for? My fellow generals could hear you from across the hall." The woman interrupts your quiet growling. "Lina." You sneer quietly.

Her dark purple lips droop further. "Lina...the half-breed with two horns and...and-" Your eyebrows furrow, "Get to the point." You grumble; clenching your palms into fists. "She was with you wasn't she?!" The half-Galran exclaims.

You beam at her understanding, "YES!"

The half-Galra woman strolls to the controls near the front of you; beside the door. She lets out a sympathetic sigh. "I'm glad your memory is still intact." "Um, I'm pretty sure it is." You comment sarcastically. "Before anything, what can I call you?" You ask your guard for the time being.

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