Chapter 5

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(Recently I got inspiration for the next chapter of this story and I'm excited to publish it. This chapter is gonna be in Acxa's POV and go with the next song in the soundtrack I made.

Just letting you know beforehand,No Way is not completely accurate to the story. What I'm going for the concept of Lina not approving of Acxa because she's afraid of losing her position as (Y/N)'s closest friend/person. I chose this specific video/animatic because it's so original and high quality. I love how eerily similar the art style is to the animation from the movie Hercules and it fills me with nostalgia. 

Now that I'm done with all the explanations...back to the story!)

~Acxa's POV~

It has been about ten quintants since I started investing my free time in training (Y/N) for her battle in the arena. I admit it seems suspicious to devote so much time to take care of one prisoner, but as long as I keep appearances; everything will run smoothly.


My eyes focus on my, what you could call, "apprentice" in the field of battle. "Already tired?" I ask carefully and raise a brow. 

In the time the mother ship has held (Y/N) and her companion captive, I have learned that they are sensitive to words and expectations. I assume it comes from their human genetics.

"Y-yes." I nod in approval. I glance at her stiffened, more muscular arms and legs. Today I had her lift the bench and the table (separately, of course.) to increase her strength. "You have to go to the prisoners' cafeteria. Do you want me to escort you?" I lift her up with a hand. "Why would I need an escort?!" She teases.

I frown tentatively. "Others might get aggressive or have redundant commentary during your meal that might hurt you. We have had fights and attempted riots there." I answer truthfully. Her body shudders as I keep a gentle grasp on her hand. "I don't want to-wait. You said other prisoners would be there, right?" I nod. "So Lina would be there! And we could eat together! And I'm sure she'd love to meet you. Wouldn't that be something?!" (Y/N) beams at me and almost collapses back into the chair.

You've worked too hard, I think to myself, I need to give you a break. "I suppose." I mutter, "Would you like me to go with you?" She almost jumps up from her spot in the chair.  "Take it easy, alright? You've been training hard and using too much energy might tire you out." I let a tiny smile show from my lips. "Okay." 

I take out a trinket I'm not a fan of from my suit pocket. "I know you don't like this, but I have to put it on you whenever you leave the cell." She holds her wrists out as I put the prisoner bangles on each lower arm. "Now we're ready to leave, and you know how everything works?" I review as I did quintants before. "Yep." (Y/N) grins but I can tell that she is nervous.

She follows me to the door of the cell as I tap in the pass code for us to go. I sort of march in front of her through the lengthy hallway. "Acxa?" (Y/N) whispers to me. I stop and see her twiddling her thumbs nervously. "Yes?" 

"Do you think Lina will be happy to see me doing alright?" 

I reluctantly stare at her, doing my best to reassure her. "You've told me that this...Lina has been like your closest friend since...birth?" I recall a past conversation. "Yeah," She confirms timidly. "Lina has taken care of you and been at your side forever?" I add on. (Y/N) nods in agreement. "Then I am sure you have nothing to be afraid of. If she is as close to you as you say, I have no doubt that she will be overjoyed to see you in decent condition." I answer and continue walking. (Y/N) trails behind me, pretending to be terrified.

And then...(in Happy from Fairy Tail's voice)

I escort her to a mostly empty table with a few prisoners sitting there. One of them rushes to have (Y/N) sit with her and gives me a ferocious glare. "You..." The blonde hybrid with now shadow grey horns sneers. "Lina, Lina please calm down!" (Y/N) squeaks anxiously. A former Taujeeran seems to be captured at the sight of me. "She-she just needs time to adjust." The yellow-y creature burbles. He forks a piece of what looks like goulash into his mouth.

"I have adjusted for several quintants and we will never see our home planets again!" Lina barks at me, "Because of the Galra. Like you." Her words do not stop and I try to stand further away. 

She yanks my arm and fiercely whispers into my ear, "Say what you like, but you know that I am right. And you know that I will never let you replace my relationship with (Y/N) as her closest ally in this war." I scoff and reel my arm out of her grasp. "Because of you, these people have lost their families, their friends, their hope." More eating prisoners watch the half-human's sneers and insults that brush against my ears. "Suffering is all that the Galra have-"

One prisoner from my view stands up and draws attention to himself. "What about Voltron?" He stutters. "Voltron doesn't exist. If they did, none of us would be here. Several planets that have been destroyed-" I refuse to witness this event anymore and get ready to leave.

Just as I reach the door, various gasps are heard as a lump of goulash lands in her hair. "If none of you understand that I am the only one who-" More food gets thrown on Lina, which leads to her throwing edible substance back. I watch poor (Y/N) duck under the table and sense her whimpering.


The screen in front the cafeteria glows and shows a muffled image of Emperor Lotor. I grit my teeth and scramble out. I lean against the door into the cafeteria and sigh graciously at the successful escape I pulled off. At least, before Narti bumps into me.

"I am sure that they will be punished." She comments nonchalantly. "Not them, one." I furrow my eyebrows. "The half-breed who knows inside information about Voltron. She knows, clearly. I have kept intent notes on her management of life on the mother ship and Haggar conducted tests on her. The quintessence levels in her horns are significantly high. It's unnatural." Narti reports. "Lina, that scum intends on grinding my reputation into the dirt." I sneer bitterly, "For the sake of bonding with (Y/N)." 

Her cat hisses in response. "Not to mention you have not much time until her battle with the undefeated beast in the arena." I close my eyes hazily and wipe the goop off my shoulder pad. "I hate it when you're right so often." I mutter. "At least she has you to be her trainer. Lina is on her own. I know why you take weapons from the forgery in the middle of the night, Acxa." I gasp; suddenly feel a loss of air. 

She picks me up from falling onto my knees. "I won't tell anyone, but you will have to let her go eventually."

The words process slower than the spread of the story of destroyed Altea. My stomach blazes as I forget about bringing (Y/N) back to her cell.


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