Chapter 3

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(Sorry about the update taking so long, I just haven't had any ideas lately until now-ish. Enjoy!)

You have been attached to the dreaded wall again, but mainly for appearance. Acxa started to care about you and was very commanding towards you out of being overprotective. You lost count of the phoebs you spent on the Galran mother ship, but it didn't mean that you completely disliked living there. You appreciated getting to sit often and abnormal hospitality. Getting to shower was a special luxury.

Even though you knew being captured could've been worse, it wasn't the best circumstance. You still missed Lina and the little things about Dune. Also, no one told you why you were aboard the spacecraft.

Today you were going to answer the serious questions and Prince Lotor was going to be in the room observing. "How long have I been here, Acxa?" You ask groggily. "One phoeb," Acxa replies calmly while adjusting the controls of a piece of equipment. "What'cha doin'?" You inquire curiously; starting to wake up. "Dimming the lights towards the windows of the cell so you have more privacy." She answers. "Why is Lotor going to be watching us?" You ask and yawn. "He thinks I've been getting too comfortable with you and not taking your knowledge seriously." The general responds quickly. "I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions." You apologize sheepishly. "If I was in your position, I would be asking several questions as well. I should apologize for leaving you in the dark." Acxa grins faintly.

Your stomach grumbles as your feet start falling asleep. "I haven't brought you breakfast. I'm so sorry! Let me get that for you. And remember-" "I know, I know. Don't say anything to anyone if anyone I don't know enters. Even if you use a DNA-lock on the door." You interrupt her; amused. "I'm pretty sure food goo isn't on the prisoners' menu. I think..." Acxa jokes before closing and locking the door to your cell.

Silence lingers in her disappearance after another rumble from your stomach. "I've said this before but ugh. If only there was a way out of this place..." You mutter to yourself. "I know that I'm not the best singer but I wanna sing my favorite song. This one." You instantly think of the perfect song and close your eyes. You hum a little instrumental before singing a little bit of (song of choice)

In the middle of the ending, you see the door unlock and immediately close your lips. "You are a lively one for being separated from your companion and captured for reasons you don't know yet." The slick, sophisticated voice and presence of Prince Lotor give you discomfort.

You were only used to Acxa sharing the space of your cell. The way you saw it, the prince was invading your newfound privacy. "Were you commanded not to speak in front of me? Are you afraid that I will kill you if you speak? Because I am far less merciless compared to my father." Lotor strides closer to you.

You don't speak, rather shrug awkwardly. "You are supposed to talk, half-breed." He sneers out of frustration. "Your companion hasn't done any better either, even with Zethrid in charge of her." However, this specific set of words made you furious and pushed all of your buttons at once. "Aren't you a half-breed as well, prince." You spit with an equal amount of aggression. "And my companion is amazing. You're just jealous the generals don't share loyalty with you the way Lina and I do."

His lavender lips form an amused smirk and regret floods your brain. "So you do talk. And with a fiery tongue at that." Prince Lotor licks his lips in satisfaction. You struggle to keep quiet again because everything about the situation you are in is unsettling. "Now, answer my questions, and I shall let you and your companion leave this spacecraft." He commands.

When the prince isn't looking, you roll your eyes in distaste. I don't need a man to tell me what to do. You think to yourself. Obviously, you don't say this aloud out of fear of being punished. "What if I don't answer the questions?" You argue with a raised brow. "You and this...Lina will work for me by force and contribute to building a ship that will rival Voltron. (Y/N)." Zarkon's son explains and steps closer to you. Your name sounded like an insult from his mouth, and you didn't appreciate that at all.

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