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A/N: Before we go into the chapter, I want to explain a little bit about the Gods In Training school system.  Basically, when they reach 6 years of age, they stop living with their parents and officially move in to their respective school.  Then they're split into teams of 4, called squads.  For the girls, there's the Lunar Squad, the Bright Squad, the Lion Squad, the Wind Squad, the Fire Squad, the Silver Squad, and the Nature Squad. I won't name the boys squads because their squads won't appear as much as the girls(plus I'm lazy).  However, sometimes people are placed in 2 squads, mainly because there's the Raven Squad, which resembles a student council in a mortal school.  Or in the boys case, they have the Badger Squad.  Anyway, your normal squad members, are your dorm mates until you graduate, and even after you graduate, there's a chance you'll still have to wait a while, and act as a normal demigod would (Percy Jackson type of normal at least).   The headmasters of both schools usually try to make it so your team does not consist of any of your siblings, so they can force you- I mean, help you meet new people.  I am not going to name every member in each squad, because that would take too long.  But the Raven Squad consists of Zecora, daughter of Zeus, Helenessa, daughter of Hephaestus, Caitlyn, daughter of Ares, and the Squad Leader, Rachelle, daughter of Athena.  The Badger Squad includes Allan, son of Apollo, Anthony, son of Athena, Oscar, son of Dionysus, and Ricky, son of Poseidon, Anthony being their Squad Leader. Each member of the Raven Squad, and the Badger Squad were leaders on their normal squads. I would also like to mention that each student had to give a gift to the school, like new training dummies, or something like that, in the boys school however, the gods give them a few worse quality versions of most things the girls had, because they had a lower budget because they spent most of the budget on high quality uniforms, and custom made armor and weapons.

Rachelle's p.o.v

The Lunar Squad and I (Kim, Caitlyn, Jocie) were all in archery class, one of the only classes that we all had together.  I aimed my arrow, and pulled back the bow back and let the arrow fly through the air, hitting the exact middle of the target. Caitlyn and Kimberly copying my actions. Caitlyn wasn't a huge fan of archery, she preferred using a sword or knife, her shot was kind of sloppy, causing the arrow to hit the outer circle of the middle, but still, it was pretty decent.  But Jocie, even after we'd been practicing archery for about 7 years now (since they were 4), she still couldn't even hit the target.  She shot the arrow, but it went in the completely wrong direction, and hit our archery instructor, which happened to be Lady Artemis herself, who looked disapprovingly at Jocie, took the arrow out of her shoulder and handed it back to Jocie, as she walked over to her niece, Amber who was one of Apollo's daughters.  Amber carefully bandaged the wound, and afterwards, proceeded to shoot an arrow at the target, she also made it in the middle. It was the beginning of our ninth year as goddesses in training, and Lady Artemis was seeing if we'd done our summer homework, and practiced archery, even though she could tell, because we still lived in the school, though we could've went back to our parents for the summer.  Most of us decided not to, and even if I chose to go visit my mother, I would still be staying at the school, I could just walk up the stairs during a free period to talk if I really wanted to.  The only ones who had decided to go home for the summer, was Kim and Molly, daughters of Poseidon.  Kim was part of my Squad, while Molly was part of the Wind Squad.  I noticed Lady Artemis coming down the line with our grades on the assignment, she used stars to symbolize each letter grade.  A silver star meant A, and if it sparkled, that was symbolized a + sign.  Then a gold star was used to represent B, because of Apollo being second place to Artemis.  A green star meant C, because why not? She needed to use other colors.  A blue star meant D, because she was running out of colors.  Finally, to represent F, she used a red star, because traditionally, red usually symbolized something bad.  The majority of people got A's and B's, with an occasional C or D.  But when she reached Jocie, Lady Artemis handed her a a cherry red star.  The bell rang, signaling the end of class, we all had a 15 minute break before we headed to the auditorium for the announcements.  I walked over to my squad, blowing my dark purple hair out of my face.  

"I'm not off to a great start" Jocie sighed.

"This happens every year, why's it to bad now?" Caitlyn asked.

"Why is it so" I corrected playfully.

"Shut up Rachelle, I get it, you're a child of Athena" Caitlyn grumbled.

"But seriously, what happened?" Caitlyn asked.

"She left a note on the back of my F star" Jocie replied. Kim snatched it out of her hand, and handed it to me. I began to read it aloud.

"You're in big trouble, daughter of Hades. Detention, in my office tonight, I will inform your parents of this incident, and including your normal part time job at this school, which last time I checked, was a janitor, additionally, you will be working extra hours, without payment for your additional time" I read.

"That's a bit much, don't you think? She's immortal so it wouldn't hurt her that much" Kimberly pointed out.

"Yes, but could have been worse, she could have unleashed another 'death pig' like she did with those Greeks who forgot to leave some fruit at Artemis' alter" I replied.

"True, but school wise, this is pretty ridiculous" Caitlyn agreed.

"Wow, fifteen minutes go by so quickly, we better start heading to the auditorium" I said.  We reached the auditorium, and took our seats.

"Welcome students, I'm sure you're wondering why instead of saying the announcements over the loudspeakers, we're calling an assembly?" Hestia said.  Some students, including myself nodded.

"Well, we've decided, that a few previously selected demigods would be able to visit the school for a little while.  The following demigods will be coming to the school, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Silena Beauregard, Will Solace, Charles Beckendorf, Katie Gardner, Connor and Travis Stoll, Percy Jackson and Pollux" Artemis said.

"The demigod will be arriving shortly, Squad Leaders, please lead your squads outside to the entrance of the barrier, be ready to welcome these demigods, if I see anyone picking a fight with a demigod, with an intention to hurt them, there will be serious consequences.

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