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A/N: ITS MAH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Or at least it will be when this chapter goes up.

Rachelle's p.o.v

I was skeptical.  Most of the gods never visited their children unless they wanted something.  Perhaps they wanted us to go on a specific quest? Three people were sent on a quest every week, and occasionally the gods would ask us for a favor.  Casually, I walked up to my mother, noticing a few of my siblings getting up as well.  I only had a few, Anthony nodded to us, but stayed behind with Aaron, who was still crying over Tracy, I couldn't blame him to be honest. So the rest of us stood before our mother, who glanced at us curiously.

"Mother, why exactly, did the gods come visit?" I questioned.

"Its none of your concern, they just wanted to-" 

"Mom, we know they didn't come just to visit, tell us whats going on!" I demanded.  

"Alright, fine! I told you of the prophecy before, I believe?  Well at the last Summer Solstice, we decided that...a few gods in training would be, selected...."

"Selected for what?" Alina questioned.

" be the next council of the Olympians" she confessed.  Our eyes widened.

"Don't tell ANYONE about this! I realize you're capable of keeping this secret, if I find evidence that one of you, willingly told someone about this, there will be major consequences" Mother threatened.  We nodded.

"Rachelle, I'd like to speak with you about something regarding Poseidon's daughter, Kimberly" Mother said casually.  I raised my eyebrow, but followed her outside nonetheless.  

"What is it that you'd like to speak about?" I asked. 

"I have a favor I need to ask of you" she replied calmly.

Caitlyn's p.o.v

Dad was boasting about his sons power once again, and I didn't like him much.  The guy was a sexist asshole, and every time I saw him, I wanted to cut him down, and unleash the rage I'd been bottling up against him for years.  But what I saw in front of me, really ticked me off.  It was the final straw, dad was battling my half sister Clarisse, she had to defend herself, and dad called her weak, and that his sons were much better than her.  She was covered in cuts and bruises all over her body. I took out my favorite sword, flamethrower, and I charged towards him.  I stabbed and slashed and kicked, until smashing a rock on his head, he was covered in burns and cuts, much worse than Clarisse.  From a far, I saw Lady Artemis, and my mother, Aphrodite- sharing a laugh at how badly Ares had been beaten.  For a final touch, I kicked my father off the ledge, and he plummeted towards the gods carriages.  I looked at Clarisse, who was staring at me in respect.

"Come on Clarisse, lets get you fixed up, and then we can go visit Rachelle" I sighed, putting an arm around her, leading her towards the infirmary.

"Why'd we need to go see Rachelle?" Clarisse questioned.

"Because I got lucky there, going in recklessly, Dad's just too stupid to need to waste a plan on him.  I'll deny I ever said this, but even war must bow to wisdom and strategy, eventually" I said quietly.

Rachelle's p.o.v

My mothers words rung in my ears.  


"I need you to kill Kimberly"  My mother had said.  I just stared at her in shock, before a look of defiance crossed my face.

"No, mother.  I won't kill one of my best friends just because of this grudge you have with Poseidon" I said.

"You dare, defy me?"  she demanded, angrily.

"Yes mother, yes I do"  I said, walking away, leaving a very stunned Athena behind.  

*flashback end*

As member of the Raven Squad, I had all access to the new paper, though that wasn't my priority, but it occurred to me that my mother might use someone else to kill the Poseidon children.  Most knew that there was always a hidden message behind the words of the newspaper.  In the picture of the 10th page, there was a few misspelled words.  If you replaced the wrong letters with the correct ones, and take only the letters you used to replace them, you would spell out "Treasure Hollow" and then at the 11th page, you would find a riddle, the answer was midnight, meaning to meet at the Treasure Hollow at midnight.  The last page, number 12, in a caption under a picture of the lake next to Treasure Hollow, was similar to the message on the 10th page, you would get "Wisdom is danger, don't get cornered". The newspaper also contained small gifts each time, though those gifts were supposed to remain hidden from the 'adults'.  This time, Rachelle enclosed a small vile filled with an invisibility potion.

The next day, the newspaper arrived, and they all quickly scanned the newspaper for the message.  Sometimes the hidden messages were just jokes, but sometimes they had something else behind it entirely.  Some of the Athena kids had figured it out already, even Annabeth knew, but Anthony had pulled his sister away to confirm it.  Rachelle proceeded to ask him to spread the word, but to be sneaky about it, and tell them to always travel in groups.  Rachelle noticed that a few of the other Gods in Training were visiting the children of Athena in secret, to find out the message.  That night, Rachelle manipulated the mist, to show that everything was normal.  The gods who would patrol would find the Hermes kids sneaking out, even though it was just the mist, while the real Hermes kids would be at the Treasure Hollow, the Athena kids would be fast asleep, the Poseidon kids would be going for a midnight swim, the Dionysus kids would be making wine in the dorm rooms, and so on.

Annabeth's p.o.v

"Annabeth, why are we going to the Treasure Hollow?" Percy asked.  I showed him the newspaper that held the riddles.

"Annie, I think-" 

"DON'T call me Annie! Its Annabeth and you know that!" I cut him off.

"Fine, Annabeth- I'm pretty sure those are just typos" Percy said skeptically.

"Well its not a coincidence" Kimberly said walking up to us.

"How do you know its not a coincidence?" Percy questioned.

"Simple, its an Athena kid running the newspaper, she spends hours editing and correcting mistakes, she wouldn't leave such obvious typos unless there was a message behind them, plus every newspaper here holds a secret message, the last newspaper had 'Zeus smells like bird shit'." Kimberly explained.

"Do the gods ever bother to read them?" I asked.

"Well, some do, like Apollo and Poseidon.  But other than that, not really.  Luckily, Athena doesn't bother checking the paper, she just makes sure it gets finished" Kimberly whispered as Artemis walked past them.

"Well, I have weaving class with Athena, see ya guys later, and Annabeth, you did get it right" Kimberly said, walking off.  Percy grumbled about how she had to add that she was right.

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