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Kim's p.o.v

Everyone (minus the other gods present) bowed respectively.  He grinned over at Percy and I, waving at us.

"Well, as Lord Poseidon has decided to pay a visit, the school policy states that we will burn an offering to both your godly parents, and Poseidon tonight" Athena said through gritted teeth.

"Lady Hestia, Lady Artemis, Lady Athena.  I request to speak to my children privately, demigod child included"  My father requested, trying his best to be polite.

"Yes, of course brother, if you'd like a private place to speak with them, I'd suggest the bathhouse" Lady Hestia replied cheerfully.

"Thank you sister. They will join you in the hall in about an hour" 

We lead him to the bathhouse, which was currently closed to students for the time being. My father didn't hesitate before jumping into the giant pool in the middle.  The rest of us, meaning 12 out of his many, many children sat around the pool. 

"Father, why did you request to see us?" my older sister Lorelei asked. Oddly enough, because she was much more formal, and less 'dumb' than my other siblings, she was blessed by Athena. 

"Oh I didn't have a reason, I found out Percy was visiting, and I didn't want to make 2 different trips, so I figured I'd just pay you all a visit while he's here" he replied chuckling.

"Anyhow, is there an actual swimming pool around here?" he questioned.

"There's the private water park, but we need to obtain permission from Lady Hestia, Lady Artemis, or Lady Athena to go in" my youngest sister, Molly replied.  She was only 6, and the oldest, Lorelei, was 17.  

"Ugh, fine.  One of you can head out to the nearest hearth, or fire place" he grumbled.

"Huh? First of all, why would someone need to go to the hearth or fireplace? Second, what's a hearth?" Percy asked.

"To answer the first question, Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, so she can usually be found hanging out by one, tending the flames. A hearth is pretty much the same thing as a fireplace" My younger brother, Ricky replied.  Millie stood up and ran towards the nearest hearth, she came back with a slightly scorched red piece of parchment, a water park permission slip.  We made our way towards the water park.

Lunarite, daughter of Hades' p.o.v

I sat with my squad at the  Silver Squad table.  The members of my squad were, Doria who was a daughter of Dionysus, whom had conjured an extra seat so he could sit with Doria, there was Amy, daughter of Apollo, and lastly, there was Jessica, daughter of Poseidon, who was hiding from her father.  Apparently she had angered him last time she had seen him, but knowing Poseidon, he would probably have gotten over it by now, Jess had been avoiding her father for three years now, only reaching out to him when she burnt offerings, but she also made offerings to other gods to hide the fact that it was her.  I know what you're thinking, Rachelle said we don't make offerings to the gods, but what she meant, was that we didn't make them very often.  We made them when we felt like we needed to show them extra respect, which most gods in training did around 3 times every month.  I hadn't really given any offerings to my parents in a while, so I walked over to the alter to Hades, and the alter to Persephone.  I threw in a few pomegranates onto my mothers alter, and I filled a cup with mint chocolate chip ice cream before setting it on my fathers alter.  Not long after, my offerings went up in flames, leaving a tantalizing smell lingering by the alter.  When Dionysus stood up to speak with Lady Athena, Doria grabbed a large cluster of grapes, and set them on the alter.  Dionysus sensed the offering as it went up in flames, his eyes softened when he saw that Doria had given it to him.  He sat by her, putting an arm around her shoulder, the demigods stared at Dionysus like he had 12 heads.  I willed myself to read their minds.  Oddly enough, it worked, even though I was absolutely AWFUL at magic, the spell was weak, but it worked.  Will Solace I think his name was, was thinking "Who knew Mr. D could be a caring father?"  The other campers were thinking similar thoughts.  Want to know what happened next? The Olympians burst through the doors into the Great Hall!  Along with a few other minor gods, or just those who weren't Olympians *cough* Hades *cough*.  Next thing I knew, my mother was sat in a chair next to me.  I looked over at table 6, the Lunar Squad.  I saw exactly what I expected, my father, Hades was sat next to Jocie.  And oddly enough, my little brother Hudson was no where to be found, but then I looked up.  He was plastered to the ceiling, by the Hermes kids no doubt.

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