The Boys School

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Annabeth's p.o.v

I'll admit that I was reluctant to leave the girls school.  They had a huge library, luxury equipment, and there were no monsters within a 40 mile radius.  It was like a nice getaway from her life as a demigod! Though, I was curious, the boys were going to stay at the boys school, but we were all going to be given the tour of both schools. She wondered how different the boys school would be, or if she had any siblings there. She would find out soon, as they were just about to leave when her sister, Rachelle came up to her.

"Hey Annabeth! Here, I made this for you!" she said handing me an "Athena themed" charm bracelet.  It was filled with hand carved owl charms, an Athens logo charm, an olive tree charm, a spindle charm, a Parthenon charm, a Greek helmet charm, and a simple gem made of onyx.  Each charm was hand crafted and enchanted, and it fit her perfectly!

"Thanks Rachelle! How long did it take you to make this?" I asked.

"Just an hour, its no problem really! Anyway, this bracelet is like a power up kind of thing, though these can be used in everyday situations, each gem has multiple powers.  Just a warning, the boys school smells awful, its supposed to repel monsters, because they didn't put up a barrier like we did.  Picture the most foul smell you can think of, times ten. Press the olive tree charm, trust me, it should help" she explained.

"Is there a cool down?" I questioned.

"Nope, I've studied sorcery and magic long enough that there's not very many limits to my magic! Now, I'm sure you're anxious to see the boys school, have fun! I'll see you later tonight" she said waving goodbye. 

Percy's  p.o.v

The boys school was terrible.  The only one who wasn't plugging their nose was Annabeth, apparently Rachelle gave her something to make it so she couldn't smell this.  Honestly, I wasn't sure how I could last 5 minutes in this place, let alone spend the night here!

(Unfortunately, due to a personal problem in real life, I am going to skip the introductions and get right in to explaining the school system)  

I didn't have any brothers here, so instead I went with Annabeth and her brother Anthony.

"This school is relatively small I'm afraid, the school house is the biggest part, and even that is pretty small." Anthony sighed.  They had some of the equipment the girls had, but...the parkour was just rocks on a river bed.  The obstacle course was something you would see at some kids birthday party in the summer, it was just a few jumps, and a slip and slide.  The armor and training dummies were actually great quality, and so were their weapons.  Their version of Rachelle's maze was a treasure hunt every weekend, for a cheat sheet.  It was probably more my style than the maze, but really? A treasure hunt?

"Come on Seaweed Brain, we have to check out the Great Hall" Annabeth said.  The great hall was small, it resembled a prison now that I think about it.  Then again, I'm pretty sure Ares designed the Great Hall.  But the dormitories...they were brighter than Apollo's "chick magnet" aka the sun.  The library was filled with books about engineering, and the armory must have been decorated by Aphrodite herself.  It looked exactly like the Aphrodite cabin back at Camp Half-Blood.  I wasn't sure how I was going to get any sleep, the dorms were ridiculously bright.  But either way, I didn't have much choice.  The girls were going back to the girls school, while the boys stayed here.  Oddly enough, minus the smell, I fell asleep straight away.

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